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"How was your tests'?" asked Sunghoon when he sat down, opening his lunch to eat

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"How was your tests'?" asked Sunghoon when he sat down, opening his lunch to eat.

"I know I did bad already." shrugged Ni-ki, eating a bite of his sushi, while others laughed at his words.

"I think I circled the wrong answer for question 15." chaeyeon mumbled, face palming herself. 

Usually, she didn't really worry much about tests because she knew she would do fine but this time, she procrastinated studying and studied last minute (something i would do 🤡).

Jungwon noticed her slightly stressed state and said, "Hey don't worry, I know you'll do well."

He gave her a reassuring smile and slightly ruffled her hair making her feel better. the butterflies in her stomach didn't make it any better though and she was sure her cheeks tinged to the color pink.

Saying a small thanks she then turned her head the opposite way, trying to calm her heart that beat faster when he ruffled her hair. The rest of the week was still full of tests but of course, Chaeyeon had to deal with it.


Chaeyeon jumped over the puddles, avoiding them as if they were obstacle courses and if she failed, something terrible would happen to her life (ngl i still do this too lmaoo). She reached home and did her usual routine then went to her bed to enjoy the chocolates she got today.

"Who are you..." she wondered, furrowing her eyebrows as she thought. However, she was cut off but feeling a vibration from her phone, meaning she got a new message.


wonie: hey

wonie: hey

wonie: hey

wonie: hey i know you're reading this

me: what

wonie: wow u sound so grumpy

me: well duh i was enjoying my snacks 🙄

wonie: anywayss

wonie: let's play

me: im busy

wonie: eating?

me: yep plus im too lazy to get up to go to ur house :/

me: now bye

wonie: then im coming over

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now