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oh and my sister had like a english quiz or something and the question was to ask what her hobby was and she was like reading and stuff then the teacher asked for any extra info and she wrote 'my sister has a wattpad account' and gave the link. 

thats not even what im freaking out about. her teachers husband is my english teacher- yall im so embarrassed what if they read my fanfics??? and that one time where my mom asked my sisters for my wattpad account, the copied the link and sent it to my aunt-

 her teachers husband is my english teacher- yall im so embarrassed what if they read my fanfics??? and that one time where my mom asked my sisters for my wattpad account, the copied the link and sent it to my aunt-

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It was a normal saturday and Chaeyeon was sleeping in, what everyone would probably do till she got interrupted by the doorbell sleeping.

Normally these things wouldn't wake her up but the doorbell kept on ringing which woke her up. She remembered her mom went out to work today. Her eyes squinted at the bright sunlight which emitted from her windows.

She tried to cover her ears with her pillow, in attempt to try and ignore the annoying rings every 20 seconds but to no avail. With a groan, she got up and walked to the door, wondering who could be disturbing her sleep on a weekend.

She opened the door with a frowning face and met with a smiling Yang Jungwon

"What are you doing here, it's like so early in the morning," said Chaeyeon, voice kinda hoarse since she just woke up.

"Hello to you too. And for your information, it's like 12 in the afternoon," mentioned Jungwon.

"Exactly. Way too early," stated Chaeyeon, yawning in the end.

"The others aren't coming till 3, so I can get as much sleep as I want," she added.

"I just wanted to hang out." he spoke.

"Whatever just come in." she stated and let him in. (i'll be your bOYFRIEND-). He walked to he sofa and plopped down.

"Wait where are you going?" he asked when she walked to the stairs.

"To sleep."

She walked to her room and plopped on her bed, the comfy feeling taking over and she was slowly dozing off. But that was interrupted as someone came into her room.

"Wake up, let's do something fun!"

"Leave me alone, I wanna sleep," she whined and covered her whole body with her blanket.

"Fine, you leave me no choice then." he pouted. He started jumping on her bed while saying, "Wake up!"

After a few tries, she still wouldn't wake up. There were a few minutes of silence and Chaeyeon wondered if he finally left. She opened her eyes and looked around her room.

Where did he go?

"You're awake now, let's do something fun!" he yelled, jumping from behind the bean bag in the room. Chaeyeon groaned, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape and there was no way she could fall back asleep since she's been awake for too long.

"Okay. just go wait downstairs and I'll get ready." she said in defeat and Jungwon cheered as he succeeded.

She made her bed, took a quick shower then got ready and went downstairs to her living room. Jungwon's thought took over him but was brought back to reality when he saw her coming down.

"I was thinking, let's bake cookies." he suggested.

"That's a good idea." she remarked, nodding at the thought. She didn't have any baking experience but assumed Jungwon did since he was the one who suggested the idea after all. Boy was she wrong.

Flour could be seen everywhere in the kitchen as the 2 teens were arguing whether to add more flour to the batter or not.

"Just add more, you're the one with experience right," said Chaeyeon, finally giving up.

"Who said I have experience in baking?" he asked in confusion.

Chaeyeon 's eyes widened as realization hit her. They were trying to bake cookies when none of them have ever even baked cookies in their life.

"You don't?!?"

And that was just the start of chaos that would happen. they argued whether to add more chocolate chips, to add more sugar, and many more. 

When Jungwon was putting some salt, just as the recipe said to, the cap of the salt opened and all of the salt spilled on the batter. He looked at Chaeyeon with an I-messed-up face but she said, "It's fine, the taste probably won't change."

She was wrong. Again.

The two sprawled on the carpet as they waited for the cookies to be ready. They joked around with each other while they waited. 

Chaeyeon noticed that something was smelling. "Do you smell something burning?" she asked.

They both widened their eyes. 

"The cookies!" said both of them in unison. 

Thankfully they both made it in time because only some cookies were a bit burnt. Chaeyeon took one cookie and ate a bite but soon regretted it. The second she ate the cookie, it was like her soul left her body and her face scrunched up at the taste.

She expected it to taste bad but not this bad. 

"How is it?" Jungwon asked curiously.

"You try it." She handed him one cookie. 

And he did. But regretted it soon after. He made a disgusted face as he tried his best to swallow the cookie and Chaeyeon laughed at his reaction.

"yeah, I don't think we would be able to give these to people," said Jungwon when he finally swallowed the cookie.

"It's rather hazardous," she added. 

They both then laughed at how bad their baking was as they tidied up the kitchen since it was a mess. They were finally done and Chaeyeon went to her room to change since her shirt was dirty, Jungwon went to his house to change too.

They decided on watching a movie to pass the time and Chaeyeon chose a random movie on Netflix and sat next to Jungwon on the sofa, both their attention now on the movie that was starting. 

decided on doing these things at the end of my chapters now hehe

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decided on doing these things at the end of my chapters now hehe

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you're loved, you're appreciated and most importantly, you're not alone (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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