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random fact i wrote this chapter while listening to drivers license. do u guys like any western artists?

i like olivia rodrigo :)

and thank u guys so much for 12k JSHDHS I SWEAR YESTERDAY IT WAS LIKE 11K-

Monday morning came by pretty quick for Chaeyeon because she was having fun

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Monday morning came by pretty quick for Chaeyeon because she was having fun. You know what they say, time flies by fast when you're having fun. So right now, Chaeyeon was currently walking to school, alone but she didn't mind it because she wanted to have some alone time.

When she reached school, she walked to the lockers to get some of her books then headed to her class. as she approached her seat, she found a box of strawberry milk on her table with a little note stuck to it.

to chaeyeon,


23 15 14 9 5

She was kinda confused about who was it from but found it cute. Smiling, she put away the milk under her table then chatted with Sunoo as usual while waiting for the teacher to come. The bell rang as the teacher entered the classroom and the class started.

Chaeyeon's eyes unknowingly drifted to Jungwon's seat, seeing it empty. Her eyebrows furrowed since he's never the type to be absent from school. She looked around the class to see if he sat somewhere else but he was nowhere to be seen. 

Maybe he's just late?

Sunoo softly nudged her arm and whispered, "Somebody's missing her boyfriend."

"What the— he's not my boyfriend!" she whisper-shouted.

"Im Chaeyeon and Kim Sunoo, would you guys like to share that with the whole class?" said Mr. Min. 

With both of them shaking their heads vigorously, the teacher continued the class. The first class ended and jungwon still wasn't here.

"Where is he?" she muttered to herself, looking again around the classroom before stopping abruptly.

"Wait why do I even care?" She mumbled to herself. She wondered whether Jungwon would act this way too if she didn't come to school.

She took out her books on her table to prepare for the next subject before the teacher comes. She tried occupying her mind by thinking of NCT's iconic moments but that didn't help. Since curiosity always kills the cat, she took out her phone and texted jungwon.


me: why didn't u come to school today?

wonie: just a little sick

me: are you okay now tho?

wonie: yep

wonie: i see someone cares about me 👀

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now