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Chaeyeon was by her locker, busy in her own thoughts after reading the note from her admirer when Jungwon suddenly came up to her smiling brightly at his phone

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Chaeyeon was by her locker, busy in her own thoughts after reading the note from her admirer when Jungwon suddenly came up to her smiling brightly at his phone.

"Hey, look at this." he spoke, showing her an image of a bunny on his phone. "It looks so cute, reminds me of you," he added and pinched her cheeks softly. 

Did he just indirectly call me cute?

Chaeyeon looked away to avoid him seeing her now blushed cheeks, her heart beating so fast in her ribcage. 

"Anyways do you wanna go get frozen yogurt after school?" asked Jungwon.

"Sure, why don't we invite the others—" Chaeyeon hadn't even finished talking when Jungwon cut her off.

"No." he simply said. 

Chaeyeon was confused by his odd request. "no?"

"I uhh already asked the other but they're busy...? Yep they're all busy," he spoke. "besides why can't it just be the 2 of us?" 

Because I feel like my heart won't be able to take it and I might do something stupid like maybe confess to you.

"Okay, see you after school then." she smiled before closing her locker and walking away.

Throughout the whole day, Chaeyeon couldn't stop thinking of him and that's when she realized, she may have fallen hard for him. 

The last bell rang for the day and she met with Jungwon which wasn't that hard because they were in the same class. 

Chaeyeon was busy on her phone because it was the only way she could calm her nervous self down, with their close distance and when their hands accidentally brush against each other while walking. 

Jungwon, on the other hand, was confused. 

He didn't know what he was feeling; he felt nervous from usual and whenever he was around Chaeyeon, there was a fuzzy feeling in his chest. At first, he brushed the feeling off but over these past 2 weeks, they hung out a lot which only made that feeling grow. 

'I don't like her, do I?' he thought to himself. Then he got a flashback of something.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes to the 3 who unfortunately had to return to their homes. Jeongwoo and Jungwon did a bro handshake and that was when Jeongwoo whispered something to his ears. 

"I trust you with her so if you break her heart, make sure to sleep with one eye open." 

Jungwon was confused about what he was talking about. "Who's her?" he asked, confusion written all over his face. 


"I-i think you're mistaken, I don't like her." 

"I never said anything about liking her though," said Jeongwoo and Jungwon widened his eyes.

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now