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"Okay class to celebrate the opening of the school, the principal has decided to let you guys go on a trip

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"Okay class to celebrate the opening of the school, the principal has decided to let you guys go on a trip. We will be going to a day camp. Make sure to submit the form by this Friday, and make sure to be at school by 8 am Saturday." said ms. Kim and everyone let out cheers. 

Everyone was buzzing with excitement and was talking about what the trip was going to be like. Chaeyeon herself was excited about it. She remembered going camping with the Yang's and Jeong's from what she remembered, it was always so fun.

"Are you excited?" She asked the person next to her, thinking it was that particular pink-haired boy.  

She turned to her left when she realized she asked the wrong person. Jungwon just ignored her words and continued reading his book.

After a few classes the bell rang and the students left for the cafeteria as it was lunchtime. 

"Are you coming to the trip?" asked Sunoo when he and Chaeyeon left the class.

"Of course, over my dead body, I'm not coming!" 

"I'm really excited!" 

"Me too!" 

(time skip to the trip day bc author-nim is very lazy sorry)


"Jungwon-ah, you're late!" 

He stirred in his sleep before remembering something. Today. The trip was today. And he was late. Widening his eyes, he shot out of bed and took a quick shower. Luckily he already packed the necessities for the trip last night. 

"Your brother already left so I already called Nayeon and she agreed to give you a ride." said his mom and he nodded. 

"You need to be more punctual aish!" she smacked his head. He didn't even have time to mentally groan because he dashed out of the house with his bag. Just in time, a blue car pulled up. 

Judging by Chaeyeon's face, he assumed she wasn't happy with this, and he was right. The whole car ride was in silence, only the songs from the radio could be heard. 

They arrived to school just in time, with Chaeyeon waving her sister goodbye then running to Sunoo who had been waiting for her. 

"All you guys will be in groups of 3 to make it easier," said the teacher, and a few groans and cheers were heard.

Chaeyeon didn't mind being in groups of 3 as long as she had Sunoo in her team. Well of course, she wanted Sunoo. He was her only friend here. Unfortunately, though, the universe had something else planned for her. 

The teacher called out a few names and Chaeyeon was excited to know who her teammates were but her happiness died down when the teacher called out Sunoo's name and his teammates. 

She frowned and a small pout was visible on Sunoo's face too as he walked to his teammates. However, Chaeyeon froze in her place when the teacher called 3 other names. 

"Im Chaeyeon, Yang Jungwon, and Park Sunghoon." 

Both Jungwon and Chaeyeon looked at each other with a glare while Sunghoon didn't know what was going on. He could sense their tension and knew that it was more to what it seemed. He then made a mental note to ask Jungwon about it later. 

After the teachers finally called out everybody's name, she let them pick their own seatmate for the bus. 

"Man I wish you were in my group," Chaeyeon whined to Sunoo. 

The place they were heading to was a little far, maybe 1-2 hours away so during that duration, she munched on snacks she brought beforehand while Sunoo took like a thousand pictures (of himself, Chaeyeon, and the two of them together). 

They joked around and got to know each other more. Chaeyeon knew that Sunoo was a fun person but she didn't know he was this fun. 

She immediately thanked God, even though she always had bad luck, at least one good thing came to her when she started schooling here. And that was none other than Kim Sunoo himself. 

short filler chapter

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short filler chapter. im so excited to write this book like i go t soo many things planned for this

don't forget to vote if you like this chapterr

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

you're loved, you're appreciated and most importantly, you're not alone (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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