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im back after a short writers block and pls dont mind the short and crappy chapter 😀

"Girl, he's probably sorting out his feelings," said Yujin through the call and Wonyoung nodding after

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"Girl, he's probably sorting out his feelings," said Yujin through the call and Wonyoung nodding after.

"Yeah, don't overthink it too much," said Wonyoung.

"Maybe ask him about it," suggested Wonyoung.

"And die from embarrassment and sadness if he says something about the kiss having no meaning to him?" she spoke, smacking herself with the pillow.

"You should still give it a try, what if he feels the same way? You would never know unless you try." consulted Wonyoung.

"You're right. But he hasn't done or said anything. What if the kiss meant nothing to him? How can he act like nothing happened," Chaeyeon ranted. "What am I supposed to do with this boy."

"It's only been like what— 2 days, give it time." advised Yujin and a 'yeah' can be heard from Wonyoung.

"You guys are right but—" she was cut off when a notification came up, seeing the name made her heart skip a beat.

"Wait, he just texted me," said Chaeyeon, taking her phone to see his message.


wonie: hihii

me: wassup

wonie: wanna hang out today? we haven't hung out in like a week

me: i would really love to but

me: i can't bcs im busy today :(

me: maybe tomorrow? :)

wonie: oh ok


"What did he say???" asked Yujin.

"He asked if we could hang out today."

"And what did you say?"

"I couldn't because I'm busy." she sighed sadly.

"Anyways I gotta go, stan queen Chungha, talk to you guys later, bye!" exclaimed Chaeyeon, ending the call before going to get ready.


"So why are we here?" asked Hyunjae, clearly confused because they were at the mall and she didn't tell him anything about why they were here.

"I need your help with something, now come on!"

They went to gaming shop to look for one particular thing that Chaeyeon was looking for. 

"I didn't know you are interested in games." he said.

"I'm not, that's why you're here to help me. You still play xbox right?" 

Hyunjae nodded. 

"That's good.." she grinned.

They went to different gaming shops as Chaeyeon conversed with Hyunjae about the new game that was out since she didn't know much about them.

They searched and searched till they found it. Well, she didn't know if it was the one Sunoo talked about but it was the latest one so it will do.

There was only one more left on the shelf and luckily, there was no one else in the shop except them so she took it and went to pay.

damn- 50,000 won for this? my poor money- but it's okay, as long he'll be happy

After she paid it, with her own hard-working money, they both headed back. They said their goodbyes and separated ways when they reached their street.


The bell which dismissed students for the lunch they were all waiting for. Chaeyeon brought her lunch and walked to the cafeteria. She looked around to spot a specific brown haired boy with cat like features.

Narrowly frowning, she sat down at their usual table, still looking around from time to time. Soon, the table filled up with her friends, but none of them were the person she was looking for.

"Where's Jungwon?" asked Chaeyeon, when she realized everyone was here but him.

"He's studying at the library," answered Ni-ki. Wasting no time, she took her lunch and headed to the library.

The boy was sitting down in a secluded table that was in the end of the library, which was the reason why Chaeyeon took a kinda long time to find him. When she did, she took a chair and sat opposite of him. However, he was too busy to notice her.

"You shouldn't skip lunch you know?" she advised. Looking up from his book, he noticed her presence.

"I don't feel like eating." he simply said.

"You want some?" she grinned, holding up her lunch that she made. She had made some curry chicken and some rice. She knew it was his favorite so she made extra for him. How sweet.

He answered with no hesitance. 

"Yeah, let's eat at our class since we're not allowed to eat here," suggested Jungwon. 

Nodding, Jungwon and her got up and walked to their class. Sitting next to each other, Chaeyeon opened her lunch. She gave him a spoon and fork then they both started eating.

There was a pleasant silence surrounding them as they both munched on the food until Chaeyeon broke the silence.

"So what do you think about hyunjae? He's nice right?"

"He's okay, I guess." Jungwon simply stated.

Should I ask him or not? Ah whatever, I gotta take the risk I guess...

"Jungwon, about the kiss, did it... mean anything?" she asked, avoiding his gaze and nervously played with her hands, a habit she does whenever she's nervous. 


jungwon sweetie—

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jungwon sweetie—

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

you're loved, you're appreciated and most importantly, you're not alone (◔◡◔)

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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