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Narrator's Pov

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Narrator's Pov

They chatted and chatted till they reached the school gates. The second they reached school, everyone's eyes were on them. Why would Park Sunghoon, the one who always made it clear that he wasn't looking for a relationship, suddenly be laughing and talking with the new girl? 

He shrugged their looks and walked her to class, before going to his own class. 

Time skip to after school

The bell rang and Chaeyeon packed her things. She left the classroom with Sunoo and saw a familiar face waiting in front of the class. Since Sunoo had some things to do after school, he waved goodbye to her before leaving.

"Ugh, I forgot that Jungwon has to tutor me today." Chaeyeon muttered. 

"Haha it's a good thing I'm smart." Sunghoon flaunted. 

"I'm smart too!" 

"Sure~" He teased, "Last one to that tree needs to treat the winner ice cream!" said Sunghoon before running away. Chaeyeon took a few seconds to process what he said then ran off too but it was too late.

"Yah it's not fair." She wined while trying to catch her breath. 

"Yes it is. You have to treat me ice cream." 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." 

"Wait, how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm turning 18 in a month i think. Why?" She asked.

"Aha! I'm older than you so you have to call me Oppa." he teased and went closer to her face in attempt to make her blush.

Chaeyeon mentally puked at the name. There was no way she was calling him that. 

"Ew no i'm not calling you that." She rolled her eyes and pushed his face away. "How old are you?" she asked.

"2 years older than you." 

"Ohh." She shrugged before looking at the time. Her eyes widened when she realized the time. She totally forgot that she had class today. 

"Shit, I'm gonna be late. See you tomorrow loser, bye!" 

"Says the one who lost. Bye!"

She went home and changed out of her school uniform before going to Jungwon's house and ringing the bell.

Jungwon's mom opened the door. She greeted his mom as usual to whenever she saw her and went to Jungwon's room. She knocked on the door first because she is smart and has read fanfics about people who don't knock on doors and see something they aren't supposed to see.

Jungwon opened his door and they sat down on his study table and started the tutoring session. It wasn't that hard for her to understand, it was just because the system they used back at her old school was kind of different so it was hard for her to adapt during the first week but now she was doing good. Plus even if she didn't want to admit it, the tutoring sessions helped her alot. 

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now