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Chaeyeon woke up for school while groaning and went to do her morning routine

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Chaeyeon woke up for school while groaning and went to do her morning routine. She really didn't want to go to school today but she had to. 

At least I had fun yesterday.

Memories of her and Sunghoon filled her mind. She definitely was looking forward to their next hangout. 

Chaeyeon headed downstairs for breakfast then decided to ride her bike to school because it's been a pretty long time since she did, and she didn't mind a little exercise right?

Once she reached school, she parked her bike and went to her locker. Sunoo's locker was near hers so it wasn't a surprise when she saw him. 

"You were so lucky to miss school yesterday." He pouted. 

"Good morning to you too, Sunoo." She chuckled. "Anyways, what did I miss?"

The reason she asked was because the night before, Sunoo had texted her about wanting to tell her something but then said he'd tell her at school instead.

"Yesterday, Hyunwoo and his gang were looking for you," Sunoo whispered. This was exactly the thing he was fearing. 

If you get on the nerves of Hyunwoo and his minions, they would do their best to get revenge. Sunoo looked like he was hesitating to say something and Chaeyeon noticed it. 

"What is it?"

"They also forced me to do their homework again." He muttered, looking down at his feet. He didn't wanna get Chaeyeon involved in this mess but he just couldn't help it. 

He took out their homework and gave it to her. That was when she noticed the dark eye bags under his eyes. He indeed looked tired. 

He must've stayed up to finish them all.

Not to mention the senior's syllabus was very different from theirs so he probably had a hard time finishing them.

"They told me it was a very important assignment and if I didn't do it, I would be in trouble..." He frowned. 

"I'll meet you back in class." was all Chaeyeon said before turning around, walking away with the homework in her hand. Sunoo wondered what she was up to because she went to the senior's level, where their classrooms were.

Chaeyeon wasn't used to this building yet but the thought of them bothering Sunoo again really ticked her off. She searched some of the classrooms, earning a couple of looks from the senior because it was unusual to see someone from a grade below in their classroom. 

When she spotted him in one of the classes, she strode toward him, irritation written all over her face. Once she got close enough, she dropped the papers in front of him. 

"I told you not to bother him again, didn't I?" She glared at him. 

Hyunwoo looked at her and stood up. The height difference was very evident and it made Chaeyeon slightly intimidated. 

"And what are you going to do about it?" 

Chaeyeon just picked up the papers and ripped them in half. Then she turned it upside down and ripped them in half too. She repeated the actions till the papers were nothing but small pieces of scraps all over the floor. 

Without saying another word, she just turned around and left the way she came from. She couldn't help but laugh at Hyunwoo's reaction.

That'll teach him to stop bothering others. 

The bell rang, signaling that classes were about to start, so Chaeyeon hurried to her class.


"You really did that?" Sunoo asked, disbelief written all over his face. Chaeyeon was currently telling him what happened with the homework. 

A nod from Chaeyeon as she took a bite of her food. 

"Woah... You're seriously so cool." Sunoo grinned. Even though he spent a long time doing the homeworks, it totally felt worth it. "I wish I was there to see his face."

"He looked really mad." Chaeyeon snickered. "Serves him right though." 

Then continued conversing with each other when they heard a voice behind them. 

"Hello Chaeyeon," said Sunghoon. "Can me and my friends sit here with you guys?"

Both Chaeyeon and Sunoo nodded at his words. 

He brought his friends over and they all introduced themselves. Jungwon didn't look happy to be here but he still came anyway. She had to admit, they were a lot of new names to memorize but she didn't mind it. 

Pretty soon, the bell rang and a few groans could be heard throughout the cafeteria because now they had to go back to class. 


Finally, it was the last class and Chaeyeon was more than happy now that school ended. 

However, when she was about to leave, her homeroom teacher, Mr. Jeon called for her. 

"Since you joined here in the middle of the semester, I was thinking if you wanted a tutor so you can catch up with us." He suggested. 

Chaeyeon wasn't fond of the idea of a tutor but if that would help her then she didn't mind it at all. 

"Sure, I don't mind." 

"That's good then." said Mr. Jeon. "I already had someone in mind." 

Before Chaeyeon could ask who it was, a figure stood beside her. 

"You wanted to see me sir?" asked Jungwon. 

Oh God. 

"Ah yes, I hope you don't mind helping Chaeyeon catch up?" Mr. Jeon asked. "Your moms told me you guys are close so I picked him."

"Oh..." She muttered. Just why. Out of all the people, of course, it had to be him. 

"I hope you don't mind?"

"Uhm, of course not." She lied. 

Mr. Jeon then dispersed them and told them to discuss the dates of the tutoring. 

"So..." Chaeyeon spoke up when they left the classroom. "I'm free on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."

"Okay then, we'll start at 5 tomorrow," said Jungwon and Chaeyeon nodded. 

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