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"This is my son, Sunghoon" introduced Mrs. Park.

"Wait don't you guys know each other?" asked Chaeyeon's mom. She recognized him from when he waited to Chaeyeon.

"Yeah we're friends at school." said Chaeyeon.

The awkwardness was real for both of them. They didn't even know that their moms knew each other. I guess you learn something new every day. They had dinner while the moms talked and kept talking.

"By the way, your daughter is so pretty. I guess she got that from you." said Ms. Park and they both laughed. Chaeyeon's cheeks heated up for a moment at her words. The other 3 talked amongst each other and Chaeyeon got to know more about Yeji.

"You're a very fun person to talk to, now I get why Sunghoon oppa talks about you a lot," said Yeji as she ate a piece of chicken. Sunghoon choked on his food and his cheeks heated up.

"E-ey no I don't," He cleared his throat.

"Yeah right," 

Chaeyeon laughed at their peak sibling energy. She wished she experienced that with her sister but the age gap with her and her sister was quite big. 

By the time she turned 13, Nayeon had already got a job and was rarely home because she stayed at her friend's house. Not that she wasn't thankful for her sister, she really was but she just wished they had more bond with each other. 

However, she did argue a lot like siblings with Jungwon. They finished up their dinner and to them, it looked like their moms won't be done for another hour or more so they went to the living room. They agreed to watch a movie to pass the time and Yeji put on a random movie she found. Halfway through the movie, Yeji went up to her room because she felt bored. (mood tbh).

"Wanna see my room?" asked Sunghoon.


Sunghoon turned off the movie and they both went upstairs. The walls were painted pastel blue the whole room just looked neat. His bed was made and his study table was arranged. His room was not what she expected. It was even neater than hers.

"Your room is so neat. Can't relate." She chuckled.

"Nah, it's not always neat. I just make it neat whenever we have guests over." spoke Sunghoon and Chaeyeon nodded at his words. She looked around his room and eyed the bookshelf.

One particular book cover had caught her attention.

"Wow you read the Miss Peregrine series?" asked Chaeyeon when she saw her favorite book series on the shelf. 

"Duh, they're my favorite series." 

"You even have the recent one! I've been looking for it but it's kinda sold out everywhere," said Chaeyeon. 

"I'm done reading it so you can borrow it if you want." offered Sunghoon. 

Of course, he was lying, he was planning to read it tonight but let her borrow it instead. When he said that she looked at him with a happy smile and twinkling eyes, which made Sunghoon fall for her even more. 

"Really? thank you! You're the best." She said. Sunghoon's heart fluttered at her actions but kept his cool. 

"Oh and I wanna show you something," said Sunghoon. 

Chaeyeon moved her attention from the book to him. He went to a sliding door and opened it. He signaled her to come and she did. They stepped outside and the cold breeze hit her but she didn't pay attention to it much as she was fascinated by the view in front of her. (they live in a kinda high place like on a hill).

Even though where Sunghoon lived wasn't as high as an apartment view but it was just as good. She could see the city view and it was so beautiful. The colorful lights from high towers shone to the lights from other houses shined brightly, they all looked so beautiful. 

"Wow..." she whispered as she stared at the view in astonishment. 

"I know right." he smiled while looking at her. Why look at that beautiful view when he had a whole other level of beauty right next to him? Plus this was the perfect time to look at her since she didn't realize him admiring her face. 

The way the moonlight shone on her face, the way she looked so happy looking at the view, the way her eyes always sparkled, the way her cheeks looked so cute that Sunghoon wanted to squish them. And how she looked so ethereal managed to leave Sunghoon shooked. 

"How can someone look so... perfect?" He mumbled slowly.

"Oh and-" She turned her head but stopped when he was already staring at her. She was wondering why he was staring at her and thought if there was something on her face.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked while touching her face. 

"No," He answered, a smile adorning his lips. "Just beauty."

Chaeyeon's cheeks heated up and she looked away to hide her blushing cheeks. But Sunghoon had other plans. He held her chin gently and made her look at him as he leaned in slowly. 

Both their hearts were beating so loudly against their ribcages till they even thought the other could hear it. Chaeyeon too leaned it slowly till they were so close, they could feel each other's breath fanning their faces. 

so how we doing?

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so how we doing?

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

you're loved, you're appreciated and most importantly, you're not alone (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now