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Chaeyeon headed downstairs when she realized her snacks were all finished

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Chaeyeon headed downstairs when she realized her snacks were all finished. She searched in every cabinet and drawer but couldn't find any.

"Which idiot ate all the snacks? Now I have to go buy some," she whined out loud.

"You did bozo," said Nayeon as she sat down on the sofa.

Chaeyeon went up to her room to change out of her pajamas and for some money before leaving. She remembered to way to this particular shop they would always go to.

She thought of how to spend the day as she entered the shop.

"Hey, nice to see you again Chaeyeon!" The shop owner greeted her with a smile.

She picked a few snacks but kept an eye out for her favorite one. Once she found it, her hand reached up to it but another person had already got it. The man had broad shoulders, wore a cap, and was tall too.

"Uh sir— uncle, I was about to get that snack but—"

The man turned around and Chaeyeon widened her eyes when she instantly recognized him. The sharp jawline and the mole on his nose.


Oh, how she wished for the ground to swallow her up.

"You called me uncle, do I look that old?" Sunghoon asked, slight panic could be heard in his voice.

"N-No! I didn't mean to, really!"

He chuckled at her reaction. "Relax, I was just teasing you. I know I'm attractive already."

"I can't deny that." She muttered.

"So you do think I'm attractive?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Eh, whatever floats your boat." She jokingly rolled her eyes. This man's confidence was higher than Nishimura Riki's height.

In the end, Sunghoon have the snack for her and even paid for it, despite Chaeyeon saying she could do it herself but he insisted.

She thanked him and turned around to leave when he held her wrist.

"I was wondering... if you weren't busy today, do you maybe wanna... hang out?" He scratched his nape awkwardly.

He'd never done this before. Ask a girl to hang out. It was always the opposite, and it would end with him politely rejecting their offer. He didn't want to lead someone on especially since he wasn't interested in anyone at the moment.

But something about the girl in front of him made him want to get to know her more. Maybe it was because she had a fun and outgoing personality? Who knows.

When Sunghoon saw the hesitation in her voice, he felt rather embarrassed but kept his cool.

"Sure!" Chaeyeon answered, a bright smile making its way to Sunghoon's lips.

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now