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happy 15th birthday to me :)

The sun rays beamed through the windows, lighting up the room

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The sun rays beamed through the windows, lighting up the room. Jungwon woke up and rubbed his eyes, noticing Chaeyeon's back facing him and hugging some pillow.

He stretched his body and walked over to her side of the bed. Smiling, he patted her head softly and put a blanket over her body. He then left the room quietly so he didn't wake her up. He made it out of her house and sneaked into his, carefully so he wouldn't attract any attention.

"Where were you?" a voice called out right behind him as he closed the back door (hey u wanna come in?).

"That is a good question brother, also what are you doing up so early on a Saturday?" he tried avoiding the question.

"Don't try and change the topic."

"Fine... I slept over at a friend's house," he admitted.

"Mom was looking for you yesterday and you're lucky I covered for you so you owe me now." said jeongin and walked to the kitchen to find some food to eat. Jungwon let out a breath of relief and went up to his room.

time skip to her birthday because author-nim is lazy (sorry).

Chaeyeon woke up earlier than usual, excited that it was her birthday even though she had no one to spent it with. She did her usual morning routine then went downstairs for breakfast. 

Her mom greeted her with a happy birthday and cooked her favorite meal which was weird because they always ate birthday meals for dinner, but she didn't complain. Chaeyeon finished her food and got up to leave when her mom stopped her.

"Wait honey, can you go to the living room for a second?" she nodded at her mom's odd request and followed it anyway. 

For the first few minutes, she scrolled through social media, waiting for her mom. She waited and waited till it's already been 30 minutes and still nothing.

"Mom?" she called out. "Where are you?" she asked while walking to the kitchen. Then she heard a thud in the living room and a small cry of pain then a series of whispers.

She didn't know what to do but take a pan from the kitchen and walked to the living room slowly while looking around cautiously. when she looked around the living room, she found that no one was there.

I'm sure I heard something.

She heard a footstep behind her and that's when she got scared and swung the pan, unknowingly hitting the person's face.

"What the— Jeongwoo?? Wait what are you guys doing here?" questioned Chaeyeon confusedly when she saw her 3 best friends.

"Not even a hello?" Yujin eyed Chaeyeon. "We legit came all the way here for you to hit Jeongwoo in the face?" 

"I missed you guys!" exclaimed Chaeyeon and went to hug them.

"i-i'm okay." jeongwoo said.

"Holy shi— I'm so sorry." apologized Chaeyeon as she broke the hug and sat on the floor to see if he had any injuries, which he did had but it was just a nosebleed so Chaeyeon just handed him a pack of tissues.

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now