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"Oh how good to see you guys again!" said Mrs

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"Oh how good to see you guys again!" said Mrs. Yang as she hugged Chaeyeon's mom and then her. Chaeyeon and her mom were currently visiting the yang family because her mom wanted to hang out with Jungwon's mom and Chaeyeon just decided to tag along since she had nothing to do at home.

They entered the house and the moms sat on the sofa to talk while Chaeyeon just went upstairs to Jungwon's room. 

"Chaeyeon, can you make sure Jungwon cleans his room? Feel free to turn off his game or whatever if he doesn't listen."

Chaeyeon nodded and walked to his room. She knocked on his door and waited for a few moments before entering.

Jungwon was busy playing his Xbox but knew it was her who came in from the way she knocked on his door. Ever since they were young, she just had a distinctive way she would knock on doors and so he knew it was her by the familiar rhythm. 

She sat on his bed, looking around the messy room. "Your mom told me to tell you to clean your room."

Ignoring her words, he kept his attention on the TV in front of him. Chaeyeon watched the screen for a few minutes before she got hungry.

"Bro, you got any food?"

"Yeah, I have some snacks somewhere in my drawer." He answered.

She walked to the nearest drawer to her right and opened it. Instead of snacks, the drawer was full of chips wrappers. 

"Where're the snacks?" She asked.

"No, not that drawer, the one next to it."

She turned to the drawer beside her and opened it. As soon as she opened it, a bunch of things fell out of it onto the floor. 

"It's not here," said Chaeyeon. Jungwon paused the game and got up from the bed then walked to the drawer next to her then opened the drawer but there was no.

"I swear it was in one of these drawers," He muttered to himself, scratching his head.

"Well, you're probably never gonna find it unless you clean them," Chaeyeon shrugged.

"Eh, whatever." He said then went back to playing the game.

She walked to him and snatched the controller out of his hands.

"Hey! I was winning," he whined.

"Get your butt up, you gotta clean your room," Chaeyeon said. 

After a good 10 minutes of trying to stall Chaeyeon so he didn't have to clean his room, he finally got up and did so. And that's how they spent the next hour. Chaeyeon helped Jungwon to clean his room while he was busy whining.

"Finally I'm done! That was tiring," said Jungwon when he plopped on his bed.

"Tired of what? Whining?" She said and rolled her eyes. She laid down next to him and looked at the ceiling.

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now