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im back from the dead

"My worst nightmare came true! Ugh, why did I even ask the question in the first place?" said Chaeyeon, sighing sadly

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"My worst nightmare came true! Ugh, why did I even ask the question in the first place?" said Chaeyeon, sighing sadly. 

She remembered his exact words which was now forever engraved in her mind.

"Jungwon, about the kiss, did it... mean anything?" she asked, avoiding his gaze and nervously played with her hands, a habit she does whenever she was nervous.


She wanted him to say, "No, it meant everything to me." but sadly, it didn't go the way she wanted it to.

"it didn't mean... anything. i think of it as a one time thing." he lied as if it didn't affect him. "it was a small kiss shared between two friends that shouldn't have happened in the first place. i hope it didn't change anything between us and we can just forget it ever happened..." he said monotonously. her shoulders slumped, swallowing a small lump in her throat.

It hurt him to say that since he knew damn well that isn't how he felt. The kiss was very special to him and not just because she was his first kiss but also because he liked her, a lot.

The way he said it made it seem as if he was ashamed that she was his first kiss. He wasn't. He's happy she was his first kiss. Very happy. 

he just wished he wasn't scared to admit it, scared to ruin their friendship because now, he unknowingly hurt her too. the last thing he wanted to do to was to hurt her yet he obliviously did.

"Oh..." the disappointment was evident in her tone. She thought of what to say before playing along with him even if that wasn't how she felt.

"i'm glad that you feel the same way because that's what i thought too... so we just forget it happened?" she questioned, avoiding his eyes that seemed to be staring right at hers.

"Yep. Thanks for the food by the way, it was delicious." he attempted to change the topic since the atmosphere around them changed into something depressing.

"Welcome," she muttered. The bell rang and some students began entering the class. Taking her lunch box, she got up and sat back at her seat.

The gloomy look on her face didn't go unnoticed by Sunoo and Wonyoung but they let her be, since they didn't want to invade her privacy and instead waited for her to tell them herself.

"He just lost an Im Chaeyeon." Yujin's words dripped in sass through the call, in attempt to make her dear friend feel better.

"which means he's missing out on a lot. can't blame him though, not every one has taste." wonyoung added.

"Agreed. It's his loss," said Yujin.

A smile crept up Chaeyeon's lips as she chuckled. Even if she felt horrible, she's thankful that her friends are here for her. They never failed to make her smile. (find friends like yujin and wonyoung bcs they're 4LIFERSS.)

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now