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Narrator's pov

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Narrator's pov

Chaeyeon groaned out loud when she realized she was now 20 minutes for her P.E class. Her sister didn't wake her up and left to work without her, leaving her with only one option. 

Tying her hair up into a ponytail and wearing a sweater with her jeans, she ran like her life depended on it. Ignoring looks from near passerbys, she managed to reach school within 15 minutes, not stopping when she reached it and heading to the field instead. 

She was glad that Sunoo showed her around yesterday or she wouldn't be able to find where it was located. She apologized to her teacher for being late and fortunately, her teacher forgave her. 

Chaeyeon squinted at the bright sun rays. It wasn't even noon yet but the sun shone as if it was. She brought her hand up to her face in an attempt to shield herself from the sun.  As if that wasn't bad enough, their exercise was to run 7 laps. 

Her eyes widened when she finally got a good look at the field, realizing how big it was. By the time they were done, almost everyone was exhausted, some were sitting on the bench and some scattered around, trying to catch their breaths. 

"Okay now that we're done the warmup," But Chaeyeon didn't even hear the rest of her teacher's word as she was busy mentally complaining to herself. 

When the bell rang, signaling that class ended, Chaeyeon mentally jumped in joy (because if she actually did she felt like her leg would fall off), thanking God because if she had to do one more exercise, she was sure she would lose it. 

"That was..." Sunoo muttered, too tired to even say another word as he sat down in his seat. 

"Exhausting." Chaeyeon continued. 

After a few minutes of resting, Sunoo forced himself to get up. "Come on, we have to go to the chemistry lab now." 

He grabbed her hand and she whined, nevertheless standing up. They got their books and any other necessary things before heading to the science lab. 

Chaeyeon was too busy complaining to the pink-haired boy to even realized her shoe-lace was untied. So it wasn't a surprise when she tripped on it. Chaeyeon closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. She slowly opened and widened her eyes when she saw him. 

Platinum blonde hair, a small mole on his nose, and a sharp jawline. Chaeyeon couldn't even help but admire his out-of-this-world visuals. She swore she'd never seen someone this good-looking in her entire life.

"Ehem! Sorry to ruin your little moment but we have Chem class and we're gonna be late." Sunoo cleared his throat because they were staring at each other nonstop for like how long. They both snapped out of their thoughts and Chaeyeon dusted her cloth while looking away. 

"Thanks." She managed to say. 

"No problem." He gave her a small smile, his pearly fang showing. 

"Wow." sunoo rolled his eyes and just dragged the girl to the lab.. 

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now