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Chaeyeon woke up in a really good mood and i'm sure we all know why. she looked for her phone and turns our it died since the battery was low.

She figured she'd leave her phone at home since it needed to charge anyways. She did her usual morning routine and headed downstairs to fill her stomach. She saw Jungwon at the dinner table chatting with her mom.

When did he get here?

"Oh good morning honey!" her mom smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me Jungwon was here?" she whispered to her mom.

"I wanted to tell you but Jungwon said not to because he didn't want to rush you. Also congrats." her mom winked at the end.

she was definitely confused by her mom's words. "Congrats? For what—"

"You know, we always knew argued over who would end up together."

"Moooom~" she whined. 

Her mom cut her off and ushered her to eat. "Hurry up and eat or you'll be late."

Chaeyeon walked to the dinner table and as soon as Jungwon saw her, he greeted her a good morning.

"Good morning." he smiled. She was already in a good mood but when he smiled at her, her mood became even better if that's possible.

"Good morning."

she sat infront of jungwon and put some pancakes on her plate then began eating.

"You look pretty today." he deadpanned and she choked on her water.

How can he find me pretty while i'm stuffing my face?

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to almost kill you. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." her cheeks turned crimson red at his compliment before and then she just managed to embarrass herself.

Once she was done eating, they both bid her mom goodbye and headed to school.

"give me your bag." said jungwon. he read about how to be romantic/sweet to your partner and one of the points was to help carry their little things like a bag.

"I can carry my own bag Jungwon," answered Chaeyeon. Today was the day where they had to bring most books to school so her bag was heavier than usual.

jungwon's bag was probably heavy too since they're in the same class and the last thing she wanted to do was to was to break his shoulders.

"Yeah but I'm trying to be a sweet boyfriend." he pouted, holding her arm.

"Okayy fine." she gave in and handed him her bag. Jungwon gladly took it as he smiled in victory and intertwined their hands after.

When they arrived at school, nobody batted an eye at them since it's a usual sight to see. Chaeyeon needed to stop at her locker for some books so she told jungwon to go first and he did. 

While getting her books, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation of some girls who were right beside her. 

"did you hear? someone told me that sunghoon and hyemin are dating." one of the girls said. 

"Park Sunghoon from the year above us and Kang Hyemin the one in the same year as us?" one asked and the other nodded. 

Kang Hyemin? The one that always hangs out with Lee Jiwon?

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now