What's happening in USA , I'm really sorry for that. It's so disrespectful and I hope things gets better.
BTW! Harry and Olivia Wilde! Oh my god. I freaked out when I saw the pictures. They are so adorable together. So happy to see them happy together ♥
Although a few fans should stop being so disrespectful towards Olivia, she's a beautiful woman and we should support Harry's every decision.
And sorry for the delay. There was a complete blackout in the whole country and I was about to publish it but couldn't. So sorry for that, now everything is back on line.
Author's POV.
" I need these right now! And go call Steve as well. " Her boss says and she stops walking behind him. Cursing in her heart as she has to face the flirt.
She walks to Steve's office and he looks up and smirks.
"Nice combination. " he remarks looking at Faryal's long blue frock with silver earrings. She rolls her eyes and ignores him.
"Boss wants you for the designs. " she says and starts to walk off but is stopped.
"Hey, why are you so blunt to me?" he asks chuckling and she looks at him.
"I like to be professional. " she says and he smirks, coming closer and Faryal making an uncomfortable face.
"So maybe I can get to know how you are outside of work. " he says, putting his hand on her waist and she's about to push him away but he grabs her hand.
"Oh come on! Let me tell you, I really like fiesty girls. " he says and she struggles in his arms.
"How dare you touch me? " she snaps and he looks at her in amazement.
"What's on in here? " someone says and Steve turns and instantly let go Faryal. She looks at the door to see Harry Styles standing there and frowning.
"Nothing, just working for a script. " he says and Faryal looks at him in anger.
"Script? But you're not in the editing depart. " Harry says and Steve stands there awkwardly. Harry walks towards them and looks at Steve. "This should stay in here because I don't want to be part of any drama. But this is no way to treat a girl. " he says and glances at Faryal whose glaring at Steve.
"We're just friends. " Steve says and Faryal interjects.
"No we're not! I'm done with being treated like I'm some vulnerable girl! Stay away from me or you'll pay. " she snaps pushing him roughly and he stumbles back. She walks out and tries to reach her department as soon as she can. She walks to her cabin and sits there, trying to calm herself down by shaking her leg in a quick pace.
"Where were you? " She hears Alexandro Michelle's voice and she glances at her left to see him standing and she dunks down to avoid being seen.
"I was just talking to some guy, he was disturbing a girl. " she hears Harry and tries to hide her face as she listens them talk.
"Oh, the blonde one?" he asks.
"No, some normal looking girl, quite angry. She's from the editing department I think. " he says and she sighs at her being described.
"Whatever. Come on, Carlos is giving you a number so that you can stay in touch with the ideas. I'm leaving it on you because you're promoting this shoot with me. " he says walking away. She looks at them going towards her bosses room and she also goes in.
"Faryal! You're here. " he says as he looks at her and she nods.
"Mr Michelle, you can contact Faryal for all the articles printed in your magazine as she assembles all the articles when they are ready. " she nods, handing a card to Harry and he mumbles a thanks and she nods.

Harry Styles Short Stories
FanfictionA book full of Short Stories and personal imagines as well as imagines for everyone . You can dm me or comment on any particular story to get your own personal imagination with H.S Updates are usually in frequent basis. Still updating with new stori...