The PlayStation

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Y/N means Your Name .
Y/L/N means your last name.


I was setting my gaming room which was attached with my sweet huge bedroom.

Setting the popcorns and drinks with the remotes I was now sitting and waiting for my best friend since kindergarten to arrive.

The door bell ranged and I grin running towards the stairs and going down and bumped in my mother

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The door bell ranged and I grin running towards the stairs and going down and bumped in my mother.

"Ow, Y/N why so hurry?" she says and I huff.

"Harold is here we have a marathon of games today and I don't want anyone to disturb us. " I say running to the huge door and opened it to greet him there standing with a huge bouquet of sunflowers.

"Hello Kitty. " he says winking at me and I scoff pulling his collar inside and closing the door.

"Why flowers. " I say raising my hands . I was expecting video games not flowers.

"Does your face look like these flowers are for you and besides you like Daisys not sunflowers, it's for your mother. " he sasses and I roll my eyes.

"Hello Harry. How are you doing this morning. " she asks politely and I start to examine Harry , did he even brought the games or not.

"Hello Mrs Y/L/N . This is for your table, I hope you like them. " he says and I snort and they both look at me.

"Yes I love them. Now I don't want you two to end up fighting as always and breaking things in my house. " she orders and he nods like he's going to obey.

My father was always out for business leaving me and Mom in this huge mansion and Harry and I would always break something while fighting and that would always turn out to be expensive.

"Did you even bring the games. " I shout when my mother goes in the kitchen and he groans.

"They are in my coats pocket, will you stay calm for like 1 minute. " he says and I count one minute.

"I didn't meant that come on we're already late. " he says dragging me upstairs.

"We're late because of you. You happen to have buy flowers for my mother. " I mimic his voice and he stares at me.

"Which one did you bring. " I ask shoving my hand in his coats pocket and taking the Cds out.

"GTA, Portal and Batman. " I say in disbelief and he shrugs taking his jacket off and throwing it on the floor and plopping on my sofa , grabbing a remote.

"I told you to get assassins creed. " I snap and he huffs.

"The guy at the shop said they don't have it and I can't walk 2 miles away to get to the other shop and I didn't have money to grab a taxi just so to get the game you want. Besides these are brilliant games. " he says and I huff sitting beside him.

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