Roommate 3

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Harry's POV

My head was aching and I didn't wanted to open my eyes. My whole body was on fire but yet I feel chills. I want to cry out in pain but I can't. I don't have the energy. I gradually open my eyes and all I see is a yellow painted wall. I frown trying to get what I was seeing. I turn slowly on the soft mattress and see a sleeping figure on my chair , I rub my eyes to clear my vision and saw Y/N sleeping and her head hanging loosely over her neck and she was trying to keep herself up. What are cute dork. But then again I called her a slut. I look around and saw my bed empty. Holy Shit I'm laying in her bed. I try to get up but I again hit the mattress and huff and puff. I heard the chair creek and I look to see her rubbing her eyes cutely. I have to say sorry to her. She was right even if she doesn't know me but this wasn't the real me.

"I'm sorry. " I say and she looks up with wide eyes. She gets up stretching her body.

"You're awake. " she yawns and keep looking at her actions. She intentionally ignored my apology or maybe not. Maybe I should say it again.

"I'm so-" she interrupts.

"I'll get you som to eat. Zayn and Clair left for the party and I made you some light meal to eat. " she says and I feel more shittyy now because of two reasons. One she's being totally polite as always and Second I'm being dependent. And worse on her who I called a slut.

"Why didn't you went? " I ask and she walks towards me and gave me a glass of juice.

"You had temperature," she says looking at me and helps me sit up. I keep looking at her. She places her hand on my cheek for the first time I felt the softness. "And you still have it. " she says and was about to get up but I grab her hand , she glares at me.

"You still didn't answered " I say and she sighs pulling her hand away and running her hand on her wrist, maybe my grip was rough and tight.

"I didn't wanted to leave you like this. " She says and I frown. I called her so many bad stuff. Accused her and here she is ditching a party and taking care of me! Why?

"Why not? I said some Shit to you that basically I didn't meant ?" I mumble at last and look down on the bubbles of the juice in the glass.

"I don't like to fight. Besides what you said was wrong and I'm still mad at you. My heart didn't allowed me to leave you like this " she says and I nod looking up .

"Look! I don't know what come to me but I'm sorry and you're nothing but kind and caring. I don't know why I said that." I say in hope she'll understand.

"You said that all because you thought that I'm like the girls that you usually bump into. " she says smirking, is she enjoying this?

"How do you know who I bump into. " I ask and she sighs.

"Well just assumed again. Like you did but you assumed extremely wrong Harry I'm not like that girls I'm one of those girls who would like to make friends and stay happy. " she says. "I can't be rude to people. " she says and ouch that hurts.

"You think I'm rude. " I ask and she scoffs taking a seat finally.

"I mean you didn't said hi to me when we met and started acting dominant and then never listen to me. Then called me a whore. " she says looking down but she looks up with a smile. "But when you talked to your mother. I knew you had a soft corner. " She says and I gave her a small smile.

"I just don't get friendly with everyone I meet. I mean why should I, did they ever did anything for me. " I say and she nods.

"Well it doesn't mean that they won't do it in future. " she says and I frown. She drags her chair close the bed and looks at me again. "I mean if you won't say hello to them and won't give them a chance, how would you know what kind of person they actually are. You become friends and that's when you get to know if your friend will ever do something for you or not. If not then you should leave." she says and I nod understanding , she's not an idiot that's confirmed.

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