Why would you do that?

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Hello once again .

Guess what? I got a few requests and Memory is again on hold 😂😂😂

I guess fate wants me to not upload Memory lol.


This imagine is for Victoria.

Hope you all like it .

Victoria's POV.

Sitting in the cafe with my friends, they were telling incidents of their boyfriends, they seemed beyond annoyed and done with their consecutive relationships.

"I mean, all I asked was to take a leave from work so we could spend sometime. He was so bossy afterwards. " Brie said looking pissed as she told us what her Fiancé was doing.

"Did he got dominant with all his earnings his spends on you? " Fianna asked and I rolled my eyes at her burning fire type question. I kept sipping my smoothie.

"Oh my god! Yes he did. He said he was the one who earned so I don't know what he's going through." Brie said and Fianna scoffed.

"Typical of men. Hoult only acts cute and loving when he needs a favour or when he's hungry. " Fianna told us about her boyfriend.

"You know what? That's exactly what Benjamin does... I mean he only acts romantic when he's high on hormones. " Brie said and the three of them started laughing and I rolled my eyes once again.

"Mine isn't any great too. He doesn't help in household or any other stuff. I felt like mine was strange but I see you guys are going through same. " Mickie said.

They turned their faces towards me.

"What? " I asked finally taking the straw out of my mouth.

"Tell us about Harry, Victoria. You barely tell us about your life and boyfriend. " Mickie said and I sighed, putting my smoothie on the table and folding my arms.

"It's because you guys were talking about the flaws your boyfriends have. Harry isn't like that at all. " I gushed and Fianna scoffed, she smirked and asked.

"That's impossible. There must be something he does to annoy the hell out of you." I shook my head in response.

"Alright. Tell us how he really is. " Brie said having enough of the suspense. I giggled and nodded.

"Well Harry understands me. He always gives me my own space and privacy. He helps in cooking when he comes from work. He usually sometimes do laundry, alone. He keeps everything spick and span. He gets a little needy and picky at times but I don't blame him. He works very hard and he only gets needy when he knows I have no housework or office work. " I said and they all stared at me like I was an alien.

"Come on girls. He's not from another planet neither am I. " I said and Fianna laughed.

"Listen. No man is perfect. Every man at some point becomes dominant and thinks he's in charge. " Brie said and I shook my head.

"Me and Harry have been dating for 4 years. We were only 19 when we first met at a frat party and after that he has never left my side and we have always treated each other nicely and equally. He's on business tours usually but that doesn't mean I have to get angry at him for not giving time. He works hard for us. He asked me to move in with him because he wanted to be with me when he was done with tour and office work. That's enough for me to know that he actually loves me. " I said and Brie nodded.

"I totally agree with that. Harry is a sweetheart. But still I can't believe your relationship is so smooth. " Mickie said and I smiled.

"All we do is keep each other grounded and trust each other." I said and they all stared at me.

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