Love Disappeared.

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Y/N's POV.

I hated it. Every second of my life. Since the day I got married to Harry I thought I would be the happiest. But turned out that just after 6 years. We were done with each other.

He cheated accidentally on me and I forgave him. We both started having fights which had the baddest effect of our babies. They were scared. They would cry. So he decided that it's better if we separate .

But it was too late. He decided that we should separate. Our three adorable children will live with me and on weekends with their father.

The most effected child was Abeela. She couldn't take it. She loved her father more than her elder brothers.

As for Hur and John. They thought their daddy hates them.

I was mentally prepared that this marriage will be difficult. Because of our different religions. My parents didn't approved him at first. But eventually they did.

Anne didn't approved me because I belonged to a strict Muslim family but eventually she loved me.

After all these years. My parents had nothing to do with this divorce thing and Anne accepted me and told me that I could live with her with my kids.

"Honey. It's snow falling outside. Me and the kids are going snowboarding. " Anne said and I nodded. I was dusting the living room.

"Abeela's snow boots are under my bed. " I said and she nodded.

I sighed and continued my work.

Our divorce was in process it's been a year . I still sometimes think of calling him but why should I? He never did.

He always calls his mother.

"Bye mommy. " My beautiful twin boys said in reunion.

I smiled and waved at them and Anne gave me a smile.

"Get yourself cleaned. When I'll return. We'll do packing. " she said and I nodded.

We decided to go on a vacation to New York. For Christmas. I was happy to be honest. I wanted to leave this place for a while. I wanted to go away from England.

Abeela hopped in Anne's arms and she giggled. Her three year old body still looked like she's just 2.

"Bye guys. " I said as they went out.


"Are you sure it's a good idea to stay in a hotel. I can ask Charlotte to lend us her loft. " I said as we seated in the airplane and I was placing earmuffs on Abeela's ears.

"Oh shush sweetie. I wanted to try that hotel for years. Thanks to Robin. " she winked and I grinned, shaking my head.

The flight was peaceful. Anne busied herself in a magazine. Hur and John watching a Power Rangers movie . And Abeela drooling on my shoulder.

I sighed and opened my phone. It started lagging just as I open the game. I huffed and threw it to a side. I seriously needed a new one.

But I had so many things to handle in my income. Abeela will be starting school soon.

We arrived shortly and went to the hotel. Anne was right the hotel was mind blowing. She booked two bedrooms attached to each other and a bathroom.

"This is amazing. " I breathed as the kid hopped on the sofa and started jumping.

"You can have this one. I'll take the king sized one. Hur and John will be with me. " she said and I smiled.

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