Y/N's POV.
It's been 2 months since I last slept next to Harry. We would talk on call. He called me daily, asking me about the kids.
The divorce was still in process. Harry would sometimes indirectly refer to it but ignore it.
I wasn't still not sure.
Harry would usually pick them kids up from their school and Abeela would spend the whole day with her daddy.
The kids were happy again and like I said. If they were happy then I was happy.
The greatest thing was that it's been 2 months and not even once, Harry asked me to make a decision. I was keeping him hanging and he didn't protested.
It showed that this time he was telling me that I'm worth waiting and he's worth having another chance.
I was cooking dinner in the kitchen when I heard Anne scream.
The kids were at Harry's because Easter was coming soon and they wanted to make plans.
I ran into the living room. Anne shaking Robin's shoulder and I gasped.
"Robin wake up. Y/N call an ambulance. " She cried and I ran and grabbed my phone and dialed for an ambulance. I dialed Harry's number and told him what's the matter.
I went to the living room. Trying wake Robin up. Anne kept crying and rubbing his hand. Making it warm.
"Robin. Open your eyes. " I cried but the old man didn't responded.
There it was. Just in the days of happiness. A sad incident took place.
Robin died because of heart attack. Anne was in shock. The kids were staying at Harry's neighbor friend Martha Stewart.
Harry's sister and step sibblings came. He was in shock too . I could see that he was holding back his emotions.
His sibblings couldn't control it. His brother was crying so hard.
The funeral happened the next day. Everyone came. Remembering the good memories of Robin.
Harry wasn't ready to speak but he had to.
I didn't even said hello to him. I didn't even got the chance. Not felt the need to.
Harry made his speech and cried at the end. He practically walked out of the gathering and went home in his car.
I had to stay with Anne who was sitting beside me.
My parents also came. I don't have much to say about them. Just so that they were fine with whatever was happening between me and Harry and we're equally sympathetic for poor Anne.
"Honey, can you I ask you something?" Anne asked holding me hand and I nodded.
"Is it too much to ask you if you can check on Harry. " She said and I nodded taking out my phone but she stopped me.
"In person darling. " she said and I nodded.
"But I can't leave you here. " I said and Gemma interjected.
"Don't worry I'm here. You've done a lot for us babe. " She said and I hugged her.
"Aren't I your family, don't embarrass me like that Gem." I said and she nodded giving me a small smile.
"I'll see you soon. " I said kissing Anne's cheek and grabbed my black purse and adjusted my black frock, walking out of the grave yard.
I took a taxi to Anne's house but Harry wasn't there I tried calling him but he didn't picked up. I decided to drive to our old home. Where we used to stay as a family.

Harry Styles Short Stories
FanfictionA book full of Short Stories and personal imagines as well as imagines for everyone . You can dm me or comment on any particular story to get your own personal imagination with H.S Updates are usually in frequent basis. Still updating with new stori...