You belonged with me.

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My life was going so well. Having good grades, a stable relationship with my boyfriend, a happy family, free time, good friends.

But it all changed... Because of a contract!

I always wanted to study Science. I wanted to become an engineer. But that time the merit was so high that I couldn't get a scholarship.

My dad couldn't afford such a being expanse. So he made this contract with his friend.

His friend had a son who was no older than me. Just a few years senior. He was helping his father in business. And dad's friend, my uncle wanted me to be his daughter and was ready to take my studies and expanses in his hand.

Dad and everyone else at home were very happy. Because finally my Dad would get an engineer out of me.

But there was a problem. A problem that was going to effect me.

This contract changed my life.

I had to Marry his son. In that way I would live in Washington DC, where I wanted to get my studies done.

Dad agreed.

And me being a selfish teen also agreed.

I had to leave the most important person in my life. And that was my boyfriend.


He cried and tried to talk to my dad personally.

But, after he talked to my dad. He agreed. He was supporting me.

Our relationship of 2 years was done.

He loved me and so did I. But we had no choice. He knew my first priority was to become something so I could finally support my family.

I was the only child. Living with my parents and my grandfather.

Grandfather was a patient of cancer. So dad had to do double shifts in the factory so he could get more money.

He was also getting old. But he never showed it. He always had this smile on his face when he came home.

We got married and I got my admission without any problems.

But then my husband caused the problem .

I got pregnant at 18.

Even though I protested against this physical relationship but he always said that couples did this stuff and I was his wife.

He further used to tell me that it's not written in the contract and I had nothing to do because I wanted to become an engineer so I could help my father out and my family. But he said if I protested against him. He'll tell his dad that I wasn't a good girl and will get my admission cancelled.

I tried to contact Harry but he never picked up.

Admission got cancelled ultimately. Because my belly started to show and the institute had to freeze my studies.

My dad was so upset. I sobbed for all the months I remembered. My mother helped me all of these months.

Uncle suggested that I should get an abortion but I didn't wanted to kill a person for my ambition. I already was selfish enough to leave my love.

Dad talked to his friend but he couldn't do anything because the thing was done.

Well... It all got sorted out just by a simple sorry.

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