Road Trip 4.

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Alright today's update won't be so boring... I promise you all that.

Tazmeen's POV.

The prank war was full on fire. We had pranked Sofia and as well as Niall.

Niall was pranked when Louis thought it would be funny to scare Niall while he was peeing. He went to pee in the woods and Zayn and Liam followed him, they striked by kicking Niall from behind and he fell on his own pee. He was pissed and sort of upset because he had to take a bath again.

As for Harry's team. After pranking Liam they weren't serious much. But Harry would make weird moves around me. He would flirt with me, or steal a kiss on my cheek. He would hold my hand absentmindedly. Not that I hated it, but I was kind of curious.

Was he liking me or was he doing some sort of prank. But no one is as cruel to play with someone else's feelings like that.

"That lipstick thing was your idea, right?" Harry asked as we walked absentmindedly around the lonely woods .

"Yeah... "I trailed off as I looked at the trees and taking in the wet smell.

Harry was walking around the brown leaves on the ground. He would brush them off by his shoes.

"That was a pretty good one. " he said and I grinned walking towards him. I picked a brown leave and tucked it in my loose pocket.

"Why did you picked that?" He asked and I shrugged.

"A memory from this trip. Going to stick it in my diary. " I told him and he smiled. I started walking towards the lush area.

"How about another memory. " he said and I looked back, giggling.

He apruptly kissed me on my lips this time . Just like a peck.

"What was that for? " I asked in horror and he shrugged.

"Gaining a little memory of myself. " he said and I gasped, he was unbelievable. He was smiling sheepishly.

"Can I -do that again. " he asked and I nodded, already flushed by the ides of being alone with him in the woods.

He walked towards me, grabbing my arm to pull me closer. He kissed me again as his other hand cupped my cheek.

I gasped as I felt myself going in the ground. I let out a scream as Harry let go off my arm and let me fell, I looked around to see he had dig a hole in the ground. I looked up, it wasn't so deep, not more than just 4 feet.

El, Harry. standing and laughing.

"You just got pranked Taz! Good one Harry. " El said and Harry chuckled looking at me and I looked at him in shock. He was just pranking me.

He looked at me and offered me a hand and I didn't took it.

"You're really low."I said. I got out myself and ran out of the woods.

"TAZ! " Harry shouted but I didn't listen. I wiped my tears as I entered the tent to grab a pair of trousers and shirt. I changed into them after putting a little water from the lake.

I opened the sleeping bag and hid myself in it.

"Taz, you alright. " Louis asked and I hummed.

"Yeah. Just a little cold. I'll be fine. I'm going to sleep. " I said and felt a hand on the fluffy sleeping bag.

"Are you sure? " Liam asked and I was about to answer but...

"Where's Taz?" Harry said, breathless and I nuzzled further under the ground.

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