Road Trip 5.

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Sorry I took so long. I wasn't feeling well, had a major fight with a cousin because he was being an asshole and I honestly don't regret it because I've been tolerating his annoyance and jokes for so long.

The second reason was because I had a few at home and we had a blast . It was so fun to celebrate 23 July with them.

This is the last part hopefully.

Afterwards I'm not taking requests.

Read carefully!


Tazmeen's POV.

"Taz! Smile! " someone clicked my picture and I opened my eyes to look, it was Harry and he grinned happily at his work.

"Hey. It's so windy here and my hair is disheveled. " I pouted and he walked towards me as we stood above a cliff. He pecked my lips and showed me the picture.

We told everyone that we liked each other and we had to talk to Liam personally so he would take it as serious as we were.

"It's so nice here. " I said as I clicked a picture of the cliffs and views. The other couples were happily looking around as well. We decided to go sight seeing and we thought that the last two days should be spent in the city and hotel.

"It's even nicer with you. " he said and I giggle, kissing his cheek.

"Here, let me take a picture of you. " I said and he chuckled, he stood there awkwardly and I laughed as he tried to pose.

"Just look natural. " I said and he chuckled.

"How? " he said and I grinned.

"Like this. " Louis said jumping on Harry back and he let out a girly scream and they both fell.

"If you two die today. We're not taking your corpes back. " Zayn yelled and Louis and Harry got up and pushed each other.

"He's right. Stop being goofy. It's dangerous. " Sofia said panicking and Liam shushed her by kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"Louis, let them be for god sake. " El yelled as she snatched Niall's chocolate and broke it into half so she could eat.

"That was mine. " Niall said and El shrugged.

"Honestly. I loved your guys company more than this place. " I confessed and they all awed. I rolled my eyes as they started to coo me.

I took a few more pictures and videos, afterwards I put my phone aside and enjoyed a pack of chips as the air blew rowdier than before. I felt someone stand behind me and touching my lower back and butt.

I turned to see Harry and he shushed me.

"Your frock was getting higher. So I'm standing behind you to protect your butt and your undergarment to be seen. " he said dead seriously and I laughed, giving him a chip and he took it from my hand.

"This is so amazing. I wish I could come here every year. " I said as Harry wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on my shoulder as we looked at the sunset.

"You know we can always come back here. Every year. " he said and I side glanced him before looking at the beautiful sunset.

"You think we'll last that long? " I asked and he hummed.

"Let me tell you T... I don't let go the woman I like so easily. And with you ... Liking is changing into something else. " he whispered as he brushed his nose against my shoulder blade and then my neck. I hummed, pressing further close to his front.

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