Concert Chills 2

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Harry's POV.

For the first time in a while, I felt normal in front of a girl. I felt like I was an ordinary young man. She didn't gave me the feeling that I'm Harry Styles. She talked to me so casually and the best part to be honest was, that she didn't even know my name.

For the first time I liked a girl and turned out that she wasn't gushing. I don't mean that I don't like my fans. I love them.

But sometimes I want to feel normal, casual and ordinary and with Isha, I felt that way.

"Jeff, I'll be out today." I shortly informed my friend . I was nervous.

Not knowing what to text Isha. It was 9 in the morning and I was ready. I was wearing a jeans and a T-shirt, a button up shirt on top. I grabbed my favourite boots and again grabbed my phone.

Without even thinking twice I texted a simple hello with a smile face.

I cursed myself for being so dorky. Why was I nervous? It's not a date. We're just hanging out.

My phone buzzed and I opened my twitter inbox to see a text from her.

Hello Harry.

My phone again buzzed and a notification from twitter popped. She was following me on twitter now.

I texted her back.

I see you've followed me.

Yes I did! :D

I smiled at her text.

As we're in Rome, what do you suggest?

She texted. I sighed thinking about the place to visit with her.

How about Roman Forum?

Sounds great! I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I smiled and grabbed my keys. Locked my hotel room and left.

When I arrived there, I tried to find her. Alot of people with families and friends were there.

I texted her and waited for her reply.

A few fans recognized me and I smiled. I greeted them warmly. Their love making me feel loved.

But right now I wanted to Isha Batra.

Isha's POV.

Isha's POV

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"Alisha, I don't know why I'm nervous. " I said as I was already late. She was driving as fast she could.

"Just relax babe, be yourself, don't gush and act casual. " she said as she stopped the car.

"Okay. I'll call you when I'll be done. " I said as I hopped off.

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