Hamilton's Daughter Epilogue.

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This story is officially finished after this part.

I gotta say. This story is the best story I've ever come up with. This one is my favorite.

My parents have found out about my books and the views on it.

So they want me to publish a few of these in future.

Please tell me what are your Top 5 Stories in these short stories. I'll be able to decide more easily than :)

Author's POV.

Harry was anxious. He was breathing so heavily. He walked all the way to the other corner of his town. He didn't took the car of Mr Hamilton to come to his childhood home.

He couldn't believe he was standing right there in front of it. Looking at it after so long. After all these years, the memories that were becoming fragments, we're swirling like they happened last day.

He could hear the giggles of his child form, as he stared at the garden. He could see a car parked where there used to be one. He takes out a shaky breath as he feels his mother and fathers presence and their mumbles of I love yous...

A tear slipps out of his eye as he looks at the name plate on the entrance. His fingertips touching the old plate as he brushes of the dirt. He sniffs as he sees his father's name on it.

He sighs, walking inside, staring at the garden on his left. It was no more. No green. No flower. No moist soil. He walks to the door, looking at the small bell that he remembers he bought with his mother.

Because of controlling all the tears that had slipped his eyes for the past journey made his eye bloodshot. He flicks the door bell hanging on top and he lets out a shiver, as it jingles.

He looks down, at the foot mat. The welcome sign was not visible anymore.

All dusty.

He looks up, taking a deep breath as he takes out the key of his parents house. The Christmas present key ring give by Y/N, he has put it with the key. It was a small wodden house.

He stares at the key, Y/N and his parents last objects that they left him.

A brush of air is felt at Harry's neck, he feels a sudden touch on his hand. Someone's fingers intertwining with his.

He looks down at his hand to see a gloved hand holding his. He looks up as he smells the familiar perfume.

She smiles at him, her dad face saying it all.

"This time, it's your turn to have someone to make you strong. " she says and he stares at her in shock.

"You were there for me on my hardest day. So I should be with you on yours. " she says, looking at his other hand, holding the keys.

She grabs the key from his hand, her eyes locking with his .

"Together. " Y/N whispers as she puts Harry's hand on top of hers as she puts the key in. Harry grips her hand and twists it, making the key click the door open.

It was dark. But the curtains were folded which made it a little easy to see what was in the way. Harry let's out a shaky breath, Y/Ns hand giving him a squeeze as they entered the house.

The key hanging on the door, the keyring slowly moving . They walk in the dusty house. Harry grabs his glove out of his pocket just to clean up the picture in the entrance, it was his family picture.

His hand letting go off her as he takes the frame off the wall .

"Y/N. These are my parents. " he says happily but yet crying. She let's out a sob as she embraces him in a hug as he cries his heart out.

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