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Special imagine for Raashi.

I hope you like it.

Raashi's POV

"Harry, pass me the packet of flour ." I say without turning and the packet brushed my hand and I grab it and cut it open.

"Two eggs. " I say and he came beside me cracking the eggs in the bowl.

We've been in this kitchen for an hour now and we didn't even made a single dish, we kept eating crisps and biscuits and kept talking and goofing around and now after eating about 3 packet of crisps Harry says he's still hungry so we should start our cooking.

"Now what. " He says looking at the bowl.

"Idiot get the marinated Chicken. " I brag and he backs off getting scared by my tone and grabs the bowl of chicken and dunks the pieces in the bowl.

"Babe I'm hungry and it's still uncooked. " he whines and I glare at him.

"Cooking takes time, whether you wait patiently or go and watch soccer and eat more crisps." I say and he moans hopping on the counter.

I mixed the ingredients and the chicken together and took a sniff and took a little uncooked mixture on my finger and taste it.

"Give me some salt. " I say and look at Harry who had a disgusting expression on his face.

"What. " I say looking at him.

"There were raw eggs in that mixture and you just taste it. Yukhh. " he exaggerates.

"But look now I know that I need more salt to balance it, it would've been tasteless without salt " I shrug and he shook his head. His eyes wide.

"You're digusting." he mumbles handing me salt.

"Do you want a kiss. " I say grabbing his arm and he shouted flinching away.

"Yukh no way, go paste or drink something. " he says and I laugh.

"The raw egg is dripping on my lips. " I sang pointing at my lips and he groans.

"You did not just say that. " he says and I laugh.

"Trust me I drop of it doesn't even taste digusting." I say and he shivers sitting back on the counter.

I grab a piece of the chicken breast and put in the hot pan and glance at Harry who was staring at the piece.

"First piece is mine. " I say and he scoffs.

"But you're not hungry besides you ate 3 packet of crisps. " he smirks and I gasp shaking the spatula at him and the oil drops landed his shirt.

"What the hell! " he yells looking at his white shirt.

"Well that's what happens to a liar who names his crimes to someone else. " I say and he whines again.

"But I just took a bath ." he says and I shrug.

I flipped the chicken carefully and I felt something wet on my back travelling slowly downwards, I turn to see Harold grinning ear to ear and pouring the milk on me and I gasp threatening him with the hot spatula.

"No it's hot now. " he says running and I run towards him.

I grab the packet of flour that was open and took a fistful of it throwing at Harry's face and I laughed.

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