The PlayStation 8

600 23 13

I'm back. I feel like I'm boring you all by continuing Play Station.

I will come up with ideas I swear.

It's just... My life's messed up these days. All my days are passing while sobbing, hiding, staying angry, blunt and silent. My mom have noticed it but I deny it.

I love this thing about mothers honestly. They get to know everything. Or maybe I'm just being to expressive these days.

Anyways so please bare with me. I'm not so good with imagining stuff these days. Because all I do is think of how fucked up I feel.

I'll be fine in no time. :)

Thank you for staying.

Harry's POV.

I groaned as I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was was mom.

"I'm up. " I yawned and got up. I grabbed the shirt and trousers from the floor that I lazily dumped there last night.

School days were finally coming to an end and I had to start applying for engineering. God I felt so sick whenever I thought of it.

But I had to. To help mom, I had to become something big. Something that would get me clicked instantly. I sighed as I glanced at my scrap and sketch books. I smiled because I knew I won't be able to give my passion time anymore.

I got up and brushed my teeth. I took a shower. It was Friday and we had a off from school because of some last term crisis.

I went downstairs to see mom working in the kitchen. I smiled as she gasped and came hugging me tightly. I chuckled as she peppered me with kisses.

"Happy Birthday My Boy. " she grinned and I kissed her cheek.

"Thanks. "

"I have a surprise for you. " she sang as she dragged me in the kitchen and I scoffed.

"Mom you know you didn't had to get me anything. " I said but my eyes went wide as I saw Y/N standing there , fully dressed in denim and her hair ties in a messy bun. She looked so gorgeous.

"Happy Birthday Harry. " she said and I chuckled looking at mom.

"Now now. I'll give you two some time alone. " she said and left the kitchen. She walked towards me and I instantly hugged her. I let out a hum.

"God I missed you. " I said nuzzling my head in her hair.

"I know, me skipping school and going to Miami with my parents. " she said rolling her eyes. " I didn't got you anything from that week long trip. " she said and I chuckled kissing her cheek.

"How did you get out of the house? " I asked and she shrugged.

"My parents didn't trusted me for staying alone at home so they took me to Miami and now I'm standing here just because they allowed me to spend the whole day with you on your birthday. " she grinned.

"That's great. " I said and she huffed

"For you its great . I'm still grounded for another month Harry. "she said and I nodded.

"So, what does lover boy wants for his birthday. " she said wrapping her arms around my neck and I hummed, smirking at her.

"You know what I want! It's been a while now. " I said and she giggled.

"Not when you're mom is in the other room. Besides," she said pushing me lightly away, "I have a whole day planned for you. You're going out with Niall and Louis. In the evening you'll be back. " she said pecking my lips and I frowned.

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