Roommate 4

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Things very going quite well after what chat me and Harry had. Claire and Zayn had another party to attend this week and obviously Harry was invited and I am forced to tag along with them.

"I don't know, honestly . I mean, this dress isn't my taste. " I say looking myself in the mirror. Clair huffs turning me around, she got fed up of my whining about a dress.

"It's a club we're going besides everyone wear this stuff. You submerge into us all. " she says , after hours of spending on me I finally picked up a dress which seemed better than others. I was standing and curling my hair when the door flew open and Harry came inside closing the door.

"Hey. " he mumbles and I say hello to him.

"Listen I know, we're just friends but can you please avoid men there. " he says out of nowhere.

"Umm it's nothing like I want to. Okay. " I say and he sighs. Why is he acting this way?

"Should I know the reason?" I ask and he shook his head.

"It's nothing important I just am warning you from the community " he says standing beside the mirror his arms crossed and he stares at my hair.

"Then why do you go? If the community isn't good. " I ask and he looks at me.

"Good question and the answer is that The guy who throws these parties is my friend and I'm not friends with everyone " he says a little harshly.

"What did I told you about communication Harry." I say and he huffs.

"You're not my mother, I get it I have to meet people but it doesn't mean you can push me or force me. " he says raising his voice at the end.

"Hey easy I was just saying. " I say trying to calm the mood. He detaches himself from the wall and walks towards his bed.

"You can't just order me, I don't like pushy people. " he says rudely and I realize that if he isn't going to take my advice I shouldn't take His as well.

"Then you're not my father as well. " I say turning the curler off.

"Excuse me. " he says looking up.

"If you don't listen to me then why should I believe in you about men in the parties you go. Maybe you don't like them either without any reason. " I say and he gets up.

"I told you cause I know how they are. " he raises his voice.

"I'm talking to you in a hushed tone and look at yours. " I say calmly.

"Just fuck off. I just warned you. Remember that. " he says turning away.

"I thought there was change in you but I was wrong. You're still the same Harry. " I say taking my dress and walking towards the bathroom and I open the door to see Zayn sitting on the toilet and smoking.

"Oh shit. " I say closing the door and he yells a hello making me laugh. At least someone is playful.

"Don't smoke in the bathroom Zayn, it's suffocating. " I say walking in the living room where no one was and I changed quickly before anyone could come.

We went to the party by grabbing a taxi and Harry sat in the from seat while I sit on the left and Zayn in the middle with Claire beside him. They were getting along rather well. I was looking out of the car and when I glanced at the rear mirror I caught Harrys eyes on me and he didn't even look away when our eyes made contact in the mirror, he kept staring at me and I look away forfeit by his dwell. I look out to see people hanging out and cars. Even this simple feeling and stuff was peaceful.

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