The Spy 2.

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Authors POV.

Y/N's eyes opened gradually on a soft bed. She remembered how her head banged agaisnt the truck which caused her to fall inside the truck. She jolted up and ran towards the door of the bedroom. She opened the door just to enter in a living room full of men and women.

They all were talking and laughing but as soon as she entered, they all stopped. She looked at them but didn't said anything.

"Hey! " A young fellow appeared in front of her face and she gasped, taking a step back. He smiled kindly at her.

"I'm Louis. It's good to know you are alright. " he said and she frowned.

"How do you know if I'm alright or not? " she challenged and he cleared his throat.

"Let's get you inside. I'll answer all your questions. " with that he pulled her back in the room and closed the door. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

"You should see. " he said and Y/N gasped at the headlines on the news channel.

"OH my god. " she breathed as she took a seat. 4 murders, police looking for the killer. Evidence found. Fingerprints and videos found.

"Evidently, police is looking for you but thanks to Madison. He'll get you out of this all in 2 days. " he said and Y/N frowned.

"Why did you guys captured me? " she asked and he chuckled turning the TV off.

"We didn't captured you. We're saving you. "

She frowned.

"Why? "

"Because Madison thinks you're the element he's been looking for. " he said and Y/N grew even more confused.

"Element? What eleme- what for?" she asked getting scared. Was this another place where she'll be treated as a slut.

"For missions. Don't worry. Madison told us you were a prostitute and -

"I wasn't a prostitute. I was kidnapped. Used as one. " Y/N said getting annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry. " he said and Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. In 8 years this was the first time she received a sorry.

"Who is this Madison. What does he do? " Y/N asked and Louis nodded.

"He's the boss here. The people outside, work for him. He hires a group of his best people and goes on missions. Government based missions. He's hired along with his team to go and keep the corrupt politicians at bay. He takes their money, gives to the government and gets rewarded. " he said and Y/N nodded, a little relieved.

"And why me? " she asked.

"According to him. While you're angry, you fight good and your previous job skills can be used to Woo the enemies. " he said and she sighed.

"I'm not doing this. I can't. All my life I've done what people told me to do. I want to go, run away, find my family. " Y/N said and Louis was about to say something but was interrupted by someone else.

"You will get your family back. " an old yet sharp and active voice said. They looked towards the door to see Madison standing.

"Whatever you want kid. You'll have it. I'll trace your family and once I find them you can go to them. But the offer is only when you'll work with us." he said and Y/N laughed humourlessly.

"And I should trust you? I trusted so many people. I lost people. I'm not coming into this trap. Not again. I'm done. I can find my family myself. " she said and walked towards the door.

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