Walk to Cherish

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I'm back. Just figured it out that my imagines book is emerging alot lately, more than my other books. This is really amazing. Thank you so much for all the love I receive from around the globe.

I'm going to show a doctor as Y/n.


The only hours I had for myself were lunch and dinner time, otherwise I donated all my time to the people who required my presence.

Sitting on my desk and chewing my salad , the door knocked and I called.

"Doc! We need you. " The nurse said and I practically threw my fork and walked out as fast as I could. She took me towards the operation theater and I barged in and my Senior Doctor Sarah was standing there, beside the fainted patient.

"Is everything okay with him? " I asked as I wore the surgical mask.

"Doctor Y/N. We don't need you here, " she said and sighed, I frown as I look at the nurse. "Go to the room no 161, there's a paralyze patient that will need you from now on. " she continued and I nodded .

"Before you go, hand me the scissors. " She said and I smiled, I handed her what she asked for and left the room.

I walked towards where I was required. People greeting me and I would give a warm smile here and there.

As a physician, I was basically needed to see the case. I went inside the room and a nurse was standing by the patient.

"Doctor Y/N. I'll let you handle it now. " she said and I nodded. I glanced at the man, he seemed quite young and a friendly person.

The nurse left and I gave the man a warm smile and he returned the smile. I grabbed his file and briefly looking at it.

Name: Harry Styles

Age: 26

Paralysis: Legs

Duration: Since 2012.

Reason: Accident, Muscle failure .

"How are you feeling Me Styles?" I asked, closing the file and looking at him.

"Please call me Harry. I insist. " he said and I nodded. "I feel numb. My body is also getting numb I think. " he said and I nodded.

"You've been injected, don't worry. The meds will kick in soon. " I said and he nodded.

His file said that he was admitted in this hospital yesterday because he fell down and couldn't get up.

"Once you're feeling less dizzy, I would like to have an exercise session. " I said and he winced. I frowned.

"Doctor, can't there be any other cure for it." He asked and I sighed.

"It makes me tired and I've been on exercises for 8 years. " he said and I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I know Harry, but I'm sorry. It's the only way. This is the only hope. " I said and he seemed upset.

"Will I ever be able to walk?" he asked and I wanted to tell him that maybe not but the way he asked, I didn't want to let him down.

"Harry, there is always hope ." I said and he nodded. He turned his head towards the TV that was on mute.

"Our exercise session will start whenever you feel for giving a try. " I said, placing a hand on his shoulder and he turned his head and nodded.

"Thank you Doctor ." he said and I nodded.


I went to Harry's room and he was sitting and eating his soup. I greeted him and took his file and checked his other information.

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