A book full of Short Stories and personal imagines as well as imagines for everyone . You can dm me or comment on any particular story to get your own personal imagination with H.S
Updates are usually in frequent basis. Still updating with new stori...
I know I've taken a while to update. Didn't had an ideas. Got an idea last night but whenever I wake up, I forget it lol. I should write them on my diary so I won't forget them.
Enjoy the update!!!
Y/N's POV.
Waiting patiently but painfully. My eyes were stinging with small tears that continued to fall on my cheeks, as I lied down.
I didn't know why I was crying, was it because of the pain? Or because that he wasn't present next to me.
The beep beep sound, right next to my right ear. A drip on my hand. Nurses in blue and white dresses, examining my files and machines.
My hand slowly running over my swollen belly. My lips quivering as I felt another contraction.
"Just a few moments honey. " Nurse smiled politely at me and I nodded. I grabbed my phone shakily, the last text from my husband was 15 minutes ago.
I'm on my way darling, we're in this together.
Another 15 minutes passed by without him and I was in labor. My screams erupting as the doctor orders me to push. I was tired in no time but after a lot of struggle and experiencing the pain. I gave birth to a girl. My baby girl. Our little girl.
I let out a sob and smiled at the blury sight of my bundle of joy.
I don't remember what happened after that.
My eyes gradually opened, I turned my head to the left side. I could see, pink balloons, tied with the bed. I sighed and tried to open my eyes full and clear.
I stared at the sofa in the corner, where a man was sitting and a baby in his hand. I smiled as my dork was finally here. Always late because of his studio work.
"Mama would be so pissed at me Papa when she wakes up. The stupid arse tyre got punctured. Oops! Sorry, I can't curse in front of you. God look at you. You're so beautiful. You look like a berry. " he said as he lifted her up and kissed her cheek. I smiled as I kept looking at their exchange. "Mama and Papa will love you so much. I will never be late next time, I promise. " he said and I shook my head. He can't promise that. He doesn't hold the future, he doesn't know if something will come in way again.
"Hey Harry. " I whispered and hid grinning face shot up, instantly his grin disappeared and he let's out a breath. I smiled at him as he carefully placed the baby in the bassinet and walked towards me.
"I'm so sorry Bub. I was almost here but my stupid car-"
"Don't apologize. It's okay. You're here now. " I said and he chuckled. Tears in his eyes. I caressed his cheek as he sat beside me, pressing his forehead against mine.
"I got her balloons, and I got you flowers. " He said and I turned and looked at the flowers. I smiled.
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"They are lovely. Are you sure these didn't got you late ?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I bought them before the tyre got punctured. " he said and he leaned and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek.
"Thank you so much. She's so beautiful. I love you. " he said and I hugged his head against mine.
"Can I see her? " I asked and he lifted his head and nodded eagerly. He wiped my tears and got up. Bringing the baby and placing her in my arms.
"Oh my... " I gasped at the sight of the beauty in front of me.
"She's so beautiful. " He said and I nodded, laughing happily.
"She has my eyes. " He said and I kissed his cheek.
"I love her already. I don't know how I feel. It's overwhelming. " I confessed and he smiled warmly, caressing her cheek.
"It's pure love. " he said and I placed my head on his shoulder.
"What should we call her? " I asked after a while.
"How about Katherine ?" he asked and I smiled. That would be perfect. Our first child getting her names from her father.
"Off course. And Gemma. " I said and he grinned. Kissing my head.
"Katherine Gemma Styles." he whispered and bent to kiss Kathrine's cheek.
"I love you. " I said and he kissed my lips softly, before placing my head on his shoulder again.
"I'm so happy. " he said hugging my side as we admired our small family.