Gentleman 3.

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Y/N's POV.

The event was held at my gallery. Every single beautiful painting was hanged in it. It looked so colorful.

I had just came from my gallery to get changed for the event. I wore a red knee length dress thag showed my curves. Sleeves were half quarter. I curled my hair and wore my black heels.

I went back to the event to see a few families were already there.

"Ma'am the announcement. " my assignment said and I nodded. I wasn't ready to announce anything yet. Harry and Y/N were no where to be seen.

"Just in 10 minutes. " I said as I looked at front from where the families were coming and smiling and greeting me.

I sighed as 10 minutes passed then 20 minutes passed. It started to look rude that I was making everyone wait.

I huffed and stood at the podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Today we're gathered here for a celebration of colours. Our beautiful angels have made several drawing, which you can see on the walls but, like every other competition, this competition will have winners" I said and everyone clapped.

"So, before beginning the ceremony I would like to tell all of you that their will be cash prizes for every child. As these children made an effort and we won't let it go to waste. Our agenda is to boost up confidence in the minds of our children and tp express that we care about their imaginations. So I here by present you the top 3 winners. " I said and looked around one more time to see if they had arrived yet or not.

I sighed and looked down, it was silent in the hall as everyone were waiting for my next move. I looked up and saw Y/N entertaining in a beautiful dress along with his father who looked like he just faced a thunderstorm.

He gave me an apologetic look and I smiled shaking my head.

I opened the envelope that had the winner names.

"I would like to call our guest on stage to give the awards. " I said and everyone clapped as the guest arrived.

"Number 3, is none other than a girl who just arrived. " I said and looked at Harry who looked at me with wide eyes. I eyed him to bring Y/N near the stage when I announce her name.

"She made 3 drawing in which one she described as, Home, and the other was an Angel that was her mother. Please put your hands together for our 3rd prize winner, Y/N Styles. " I said and everyone clapped and Harry grinned as he walked his princess on stage and the guest clipped the blue badge ribbon with her frock . He gave her her trophy and she smiled.

"Thank you. " I said as the father, daughter duo went down.

"Up next in number 2 we have, another girl, " I said and everyone cheered. "I would like to call Lily Allen to come on stage to collect her prize for the beautiful paintings she made which showed the Party of clouds and rainfall. " I said and the cute little brunette haired girl came on stage.

"Thank you very much. " I sighed.

"Please put your hands together for our 1st prize winner, whose drawing was a friendship of a cat and mouse and a cat and a dog. Which is quite rare. " I said everyone laughed. " Greg Barton ." I said and everyone clapped.

The event was over and everyone had busied themselves into eating the buffet.

"Miss Y/N. " a deep voice said and I turned to see Harry standing in a button up shirt and tight jeans.

"Where is your coat. " I teased and he chuckled. "Came late yet not fully ready. " I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Your name influences my daughter alot. She couldn't decode what to wear so we had to go shopping to buy her a dress ." he said and I giggled playfully slapping his shoulder.

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