Stockholm Syndrome

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A special imagine for my best friend and my idol as well Zainy.

If anyone likes imagines and want to have a personal one please text me and I'll do it with pleasure .

Have a good day and enjoy.

Zainy's POV.

Walking frustratedly out of the club after hearing my friends back bitting me and proved that they were fake always.

I walked and walked not caring about where I was going I just want to head home safe in this dark and cold night.

I wish I had someone who I could call and ask them to take me from here and even if it was possible they could just take me away from this world.

But unfortunately I don't have anyone who could do this for me.

As I was walking I heard a woman scream and I turned to see there was nothing behind me but darkness and fog, as it was November.

The woman god knows from where again screamed and I shuddered when cold air hit my face and I kept walking straight not daring to look back.

"Quite you Slut. " Someone shouted and the woman's voice getting louder which means they were in front of me somewhere.

I prayed that I could not be seen by whoever the cruel man is but I felt ashamed of myself too.

I must help her.

I took a deep breath and went towards the place where the voice was coming from and I frowned when I saw so many trees.

Did I came towards the forest? Oh Shit!

"Now this is what you get. " A man's voice snarled.

I took my phone out and went towards the act bravely.

I screamed when I saw a young man not more than 22 years old was on top of the woman and the woman's eyes open and blood coming out of her neck and stomach because of my scream the man looked up with blood shot eyes and I panicked and ran in the other direction and closed the torch so he won't locate me and screamed Help Help getting out of the forest.

Suddenly I felt something cold pressed on my head and I fell down feeling the pain in my leg and I shakingly touched my leg to see that a knife stabbed in my leg and I felt someone put his hands on my mouth and dragging me like a dead body.

My eyes were slightly open and I heard him groaning and huffing and then after a while he smashed me on the floor .


I opened my eyes aprupty and looked around examining my surroundings.

This was not my room.

The sheets were white and only a candle was lit up beside me on the table and I glanced outside to see it was dark outside . I jerked up and looked at myself in the mirror placed in front of the huge bed , the bed had net curtains around it that were folded up and handing up, I frowned to see that I was in a huge shirt and a shorts, no not shorts they are boxers.

My mind went back thinking about what happened.

The murderer.

The woman.

The dead body.

Me screaming.

The knife.



And now this.

I tried to get up but couldn't because of my leg that was also bandaged and I cried looking at myself in the mirror.

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