Concert Chills 4

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Isha's POV.

I woke up before Harry but couldn't escape, as I was wrapped under his grasp. I smiled as he softly snored in my ear. I slightly turned my face and caressed his cheek. He was so beautiful.

But this felt so wrong. Harry was in love with me. He didn't deserved it. I was lying to him about not knowing him. I was his fan. I die hard fan. I can't lead him on.

I can't let him fall in love with me until he doesn't know the truth. I should've kept a slow hand myself. But my excitement took the best of me.

I was the one to be blamed. He would be heart broken after knowing that I've been faking this act. But he would be more heart broken if he gets to know this truth by someone else or later on.

It's not that I don't love him back. I love him. God I loved him since I was 15.

"Good morning. " his groggy voice made me shiver.  I looked at him and his eyes were puffy with sleep. Slightly open, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Good morning. " I said, smiling back.

"Last night, " he said, adjusting his head on my shoulder now. I placed my fingers in his hair and he was holding my other hand on my bare stomach, under the sheets, " was amazing, I never felt this way with anyone before. " he said and I gave him a small smile.

His every single romantic confession was making me more guilty.

"I should probably get up. I'm hungry too. " I said and he looked at me but I pushed him lightly and got up. I grabbed my shirt and wore it, I walked towards the bathroom and closed the door shut.

I removed the shirt and walked towards the lavish shower compartment, I slid down against the wall, the water falling on me. I cried sitting in the shower. Trying not to sob loudly.

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I got out of the bathroom,wearing a shorts and shirt , I saw Harry talking to someone on the phone and shorty hung up as he saw me.

He smiled and walked towards me. He kissed my forehead softly making me want to cry again.

"I ordered the special platter for you. Let's eat. " he said and I nodded, giving him a small smile.

We ate in silence, I could feel Harry's eyes on me the whole time.

"Harry. " I said and he hummed. I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"I want to tell you something. " I said and he nodded. I bite my lip. Ready to break his precious heart.

"I heard what you said last night. When I was asleep. " I said and he looked at me with wide eyes. His features soften and he nervously rubbed his hands on his thighs.

"Um, that. I actually --" he nervously chuckled but I cut him.

"You can't fall in love with me. " I said and he looked at me. He frowned and wet his lips.

"Why not? " he asked.

"I have been lying to you. " I whispered looking down.

"You do have a boyfriend. Don't you? " he asked and I looked up and shook my head.

"No, No, not that. " I said and he sighed.

"Then what else could be worse than that. " he chuckled nervously and I hid my face. I was again crying.

"Isha? What is it? " he asked desperately.

"I know you! I was lying that I didn't know you. I'm one do your biggest fans, a die hard fan. I acted like I didn't know you. " I cried looking at him. I got up and paced around.

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