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Fukase's POV:

We all shuffled awkwardly into the class. "Sorry we're late, Mr.Camui...We had to get Gumi a new bag from the office!" Oliver said, surprisingly loudly. The man he was speaking to nodded and smiled. "Take a seat then", he said, in a deep voice. He had long purple hair, and sharp features. Pretty hot not gonna lie, though he gives off weird vibes...

"He's not as creepy as he seems", Gumi whispered to me as we walked to the back of the class, as if she could tell what I was thinking. "He's pretty chill, plus he practically lets us do whatever we want", she smirked.

We sat down together and talked the whole period. We did get a couple of stares from our classmates, but I was used to that.

I so need to introduce Gumi to Piko and Vee properly. They only seem to know her through rumours...and that incriminating video that Oliver took of us squabbling.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" Gumi smirked, "nothing intelligent I assume". I gasped in fake offense, "I'll have you know I was thinking nice things about you!" I sighed dramatically, "I guess I was wrong". Gumi put her head in her hands, "nooo! Please forgive me Fukase, I have sinned". I pretended to think about it. "You are pardoned", I declared. Gumi and Oliver cheered.

I laughed. "Anyways, about what I actually was thinking..." I said, "have you met Vflower and Piko?"...

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