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The bell went, signalling the end of the period. This sucks I wanted to spend more time alone with Fukase...not like that! Just as friends...am I really trying to convince myself right now????

"Let's go Oli", Fukase's voice snaps me out of my jumbled thoughts. I follow him into the corridor. "What have we got?", i ask yawning. Fukase scans over his timetable, "French," he sighs, "honestly! you've been here longer than me, you should know your timetable by now" I shrug my shoulders, "I have a terrible memory Fuka", "It's in one ear and out the other!" I stated. He chuckled, "fair enough"

We were stuck in a crowd of students, Fukase seemed nervous. "You okay?", "just peachy" he said sarcastically, before adding on a "sorry" at the end. We tried to push through the crowd, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere. "FIGHT", somebody called out. Ugh not a fight, I hate violence. Especially blood! It gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

"Maybe let's go another way..." I tried to sound casual but concern crept into my voice. Fukase gently grabbed my wrist and turned the opposite direction. "I was dying to get out of there anyways" he smiled. I sighed as we walked, trying to ignore the shouting in the corridor. It's like the teachers don't actually care. "I don't get paid enough for this", a classroom assistant muttered as she stepped back into her class.

Fukase snorted, he'd obviously heard her too. We walked in a comfortable silence until Fukase said, "do you want to get out of here?" I sighed, "more than anything" He dramatically pointed, "to the den then!"

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now