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Fukase POV:

"And then, James flew straight into the window!" Oliver exclaimed. Gumi and I laughed. Oliver smiled, he looked really excited to be talking about his bird...cute.
Oliver continued to talk about James but I got distracted by a notification on my phone...

Vee: where are you guys? ಠ_ಠ

PIKO: skipping school already? Wow I'm disappointed in yous /j

Kase: SHUT

PIKO: wait you actually are? Pahaha

Vee: That's my job smh

I snorted. "What's so funny Fuckass?" Gumi asked. I cringed, "never call me that again". Oliver and Gumi laughed. I sighed and cleared my throat, "anyways...Piko says he's disappointed in us, for skipping class" I smirked.

Oliver giggled, "as if he and Flower don't skip class all the time!" He said sarcastically. Gumi pretended to gasp, "I didn't think the oh-so innocent Oliver could be sarcastic". I wheezed, looking at Oliver's pouty face. "So mean", he said adorably. I could feel my face heat up, as I admired his cute little face.

He was pretending cry now, yet he was doing a bad job since he was still giggling. I smiled and laughed quietly at his childishness. Gumi tapped me shoulder to gain my attention. "What?" I asked her. She leaned in close to my face and whispered..."simp", then she turned back to Oliver and continued to chat, as if she hadn't said anything.

"I am not!" I called out, elbowing her playfully. "This is bullying" she squealed. We play fought in front of a confused Oliver. "Oli save me", I yelped, as Gumi tried to mess up my hair. We continued to harass each but were distracted by Oliver cackling suddenly. Gumi and I looked over to him.

He was holding his phone out...recording us. "Piko and Flower need to see this!" He smirked mischievously. Gumi and I looked at each other and nodded, as if we were communicating telepathically. We both chased after Oliver trying to delete the incriminating video. "Destroy the evidence!", I called out. Oliver skipped away, "I'll never let you" He said in a singsongy voice.

We kept going until the bell rang. We were tired out by now anyways. "You win...this time", Gumi puffed, out of breath. Oliver cheered triumphantly. "Victory is mine!" He celebrated. I couldn't help but smile, even if he did have an embarrassing video of us bickering...

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now