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'So Fukase why did you come to this dump of all places?' Piko asked, causing Flower to snort.
'Ohhh well I just moved in with my I'm going to the same school as them', Fukase mumbled.

'Who are your cousins? I asked quietly 'we might know them' Fukase smiled at me, Cute.
'Their names are Cul and Teto' he replied still smiling.
Flower choked on a cracker. 'Niiiiice Miss.Student Council' she teased.

Fukase looked at Flower, confused. 'Yeah so what, she's in the council?', he said sounding just as puzzled as he looked.
'Don't you mind Flower!' Piko giggled, 'she's just salty that Teto always catches her when she skips class'.

'I am not salty at all!' Flower huffed. I giggled, 'are you sure?'
Flower pretended to gasp at my comment.

The bell rang. Just as I really started to enjoy myself!

A/N: sorry I took so long to update, I hope you like this chapter!

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