V-The meme squad

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Oliver POV

'You really saved me there', Flower said to Fukase. He chuckled. He has a cute laugh...ugh being sappy over a guy you just met? Piko, the boy behind me, let out a high pitched laugh. 'Mr.Hiyama has been waiting for a reason to give Flower detention, he must be fuming' I giggled, I couldn't help it! Flower smirked at me, 'Oliver right?' Even though we're in  most of the same classes, we've never really talked. 'Yeah that's me', I laughed nervously.

'Do you two have anyone to hangout with at break?' Flower asked. 'You're welcome to join us', Piko chuckled. I usually just read at break, it could be nice to get to know my classmates... 'oh! I'd love to' Fukase said sounding surprised. Everyone turned face me. 'Sounds good', I smiled, trying to sound confident. 'Well then, it's settled', Flower declared, 'The squad has assembled!'

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