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Oliver yawned, wiping sleep from his eye...He muttered something about being sleepy. His hair looked soft and fluffy, I had to suppress the urge to touch it.

'Fukase?' Oliver's voice called for my attention. I realised that I had been staring at him...that's not creepy at all. 'Sorry, I spaced out', i laughed nervously.

I had expected last period to be boring, but with Oliver here It just  felt...comfortable. He was smiling for no apparent reason, gosh I feel so warm inside...

Miss.Sakine basically told us to draw portraits of our 'desk buddies', so Oliver and I are drawing each other. This would be great since I get to look at him...but he has to look at me too..

'...Fukase', Oliver's voice interrupted my internal screaming, 'let's get started!' He handed me a piece of paper. I gratefully took it and Slowly began to sketch, nervously looking at his rosey-cheeked face, while trying to avoid eye contact.

'I am so sorry...I CAN'T DRAW', I face palmed.

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