IX-The Groupchat

531 18 19

Oliver's POV

•Vee Added you to 'The Memesquad'•

PIKO: Welcome~

Kase: oH god what have I been added to?

Vee: hell.

Oli: hell!?

Vee: nsksnswlsnslqdwjlrnejs

PIKO: you poor innocent soul!

Kase: what did I do to deserve this~

Oli- Is Fuka upset?

Kase: Fuka!?

Vee: Are you thinking what I'm thinking Piko?

Piko: OTP

Oli: ohhhh sorry is that not okay? And what's OTP?

Kase: aH it's fine!

Kase: AND DON'T WORRY IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING. They're just being annoying!

Piko: Riiiiight~

Kase: >:(

Vee: ehhhh that's mean Fukase!

Piko: Is he a tsundere?


Kase: I am not

Oli: am I the only one who's confused here?

A/N: I hope I am capturing the meme squad's chaoticness well lol.

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