IV-Nice to meet you.

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I wandered through the halls until somebody tapped me on the shoulder. 'Are you lost or something?' asked a person with short silvery purple hair.
'I have no clue where I'm going' I replied. They snorted then stared at my timetable. 'Oh you're in my class...convenient' they said.
'Thank goodness' I sighed.

'The name's Flower, I might not look like a girl but I am one' she stated as if she'd said this to lots of people.
'Ah I think you look like a girl...I'm Fukase' I mumbled. Flower smirked at me then turned away. 'Well come on then, we're already late'

Flower stopped at the classroom door. 'Are you ready to go in?' Flower asked, her hand already reaching for the door. 'Not at all', I laughed.
'Perfect, lets go', she chuckled then slid the door open.

'V Flower, you're late again' the teacher said sharply, causing some girls to giggle in the front row. 'Sorry Mr.Hiyama', Flower muttered.
'Sir she's only late because she was helping me', I blurted out. Flower nodded at with a grateful expression. 'Very well, Flower go to your seat', he said disappointedly.

Flower nodded and walked to a desk at the back of the class.
'Well I assume you're my new student, give the class your introduction', Mr.Hiyama said.
I stood in front of the podium then took a deep breath. 'My name is Satoshi Fukase, pleased to meet you' Everyone just stared at me. I really hate it when people stare at me. 'Thank you Fukase', Mr.Hiyama said.

The teacher pointed towards my seat, which was in front of Flower. I sighed with relief and dumped my bag at my desk as the teacher continued his lesson. My stuff went all over the desk even onto the boy next to me's side. 'Sorry' I whispered to him. 'It's alright', he whispered back, 'nice to meet you, I'm Oliver'.

A/N I hope you like this chapter, remember I'll always take constructive criticism.   : )

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now