X-Music Club

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Fukase's POV

It's my second day of school yet I'm actually looking forward to it...well seeing my new friends, not the educational part of course.

I walked into the building and saw the squad standing by the lockers. 'Fukase get over here!' Flower shouted causing people to stare at us.

I walked as quickly as I could towards them. 'Geez, are you trying to talk to the whole school?' I teased. Flower stuck her tongue out at me.

'ANYWAYS', Piko said sighed, 'want to start a club with us?' Piko seemed excited suddenly. 'Uhhhh where did that come from?' I asked, 'and what would it be?' 'He sounds interested', Oliver whispered to Flower. I pouted at him. ' I can hear you, you know' I sighed. Oliver just giggled at me.
I heard Flower whispered something about ships to Piko, who knows why they'd talk about boats?

Piko laughed then cleared his throat. 'So to answer your questions...we've been wanting to start a music club but you need four members,' he explained, 'we aren't the most popular people so there's no way we'd ask people to join' Flower snorted, 'you could say that again'

'So what do you think?' Oliver asked, smiling sweetly. I sighed, 'alright, I'm in' I tried to sound like I didn't care but it was hard to hide my excitement. Piko and Flower high-fived, just as the bell rang. 'Welp see you after class!' Flower called grabbing Piko's wrist and running away.

'Have you got art next?' I asked. Oliver smiled, 'yup! I'm in Miss.Sakine's class' I let out a sigh of relief, 'so am I' Oliver took me by surprise by grabbing onto my arm. 'It's right this way! I'm so lucky that you're in my class' he said cheerily.

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