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Fukase's POV:

"...Vflower?" Gumi said, scrunching up here nose, "oh we're acquainted...kind of".

I grimaced, "that doesn't sound like the hood kind of acquainted", I sighed, looking between her and Oliver, who was shaking his head.

"I don't know her personally...but a couple years back", Gumi said, "a girl in our year spread a bunch of rumours about me". She shrugged, and tried to appear nonchalant as she continued, "you probably know her, her names SeeU".

Oliver's eyes widened, "yeah that's right!"He exclaimed, "I know her, she's the one who started those?" Then he frowned, "well, that sort of makes sense, even if her friend group are buddies with the student council".

"Wait so what did she do?" I asked, "and what does it have to do with Flower?"

Gumi sighed, and began packing her 'new' bag. "Well really SeeU just told everybody that I was a massive slut", Gumi glared, "Because she was jealous that I was friends with her boyfriend, who she doesn't even go out with now, so really it was all pointless".

"For real?" I asked, my brow furrowing, "what a bitch!"

Gumi snorted, "tell me about it." She shook her head and exclaimed, "besides I'm literally aromantic, I didn't even want her damn boyfriend!"

Oliver's face scrunched up, "I'm so sorry for not saying anything to you!" he cried, "I know we didn't really know each other but I should've spoken out". He continued, "people should honestly know better than to trust anything that SeeU says by now".

Gumi smiled weakly, "it's fine dude", she sighed, "like you said, you didn't know me, and it was a while ago".

"Doesn't mean it hurts less though", I stated, "you still get shit about it now right?"

Gumi groaned, "yep. I sure do", she said, "it's actually why I got in a fight with Miku of all people". She chuckled, "since she's in the student council, she can do uniform checks", Gumi explained, "let's just say she made some comments about my shirt length and what I do in my spare time".

I felt my eyebrows raise impossibly high, so much that I felt like I was in a cartoon. I saw that Oliver's expression mirrored my own. "Whys it always the nice ones!" Oliver yelped.

Gumi snorted, "that's how they get you!" She shook her finger at him, "never trust the ones who always try to look good". Words to live by, I thought to myself.
"Anyways. Vflower." She sighed, "Flower didn't actually do anything to me directly...she just didn't stop SeeU".
Began elaborating at my confused expression, "I'm guessing she hasn't actually told you this...but SeeU and Flower used to be friends".
She zipped up her bag which was on the table, and leaned her arms on it, crossing them. "They went to the same primary school, and are neighbours", she said quietly, "I'm pretty sure they practically grew up together, in first year they were basically inseparable".

"What happened?" Oliver asked, the question on both of our minds.

"Beats me", Gumi said, shrugging again, "you'd have to ask Flower". She sat up properly and pulled on her school bag, "let's hope she realised what a bitch her 'bestie' was, eh?" She said, somewhat mockingly.

"I take it you're not up for a cheeky little reconciliation scene?" I asked, trying to bring back the lighthearted energy from before.

Gumi bit her lip as she thought, "I never said that", she said, "I think...it's worth a shot", she decided, "if you two say she's chill now, I trust your judgement".

I felt a grin spread across my face. "Thank you Gumi!" I shook my hands with excitement, "you won't regret this!"

"Hopefully", Oliver whispered, but he was also smiling.

Gumi snorted, "well hurry up then lightning McQueen, the bells about to ring".

I yelped loudly, "LIGHTNING MCQUEEN?"

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