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Oliver POV:

What does he mean????? It's scary how much his drawing looks like me!
"Wow Fukase, I had no idea you were so good at drawing!" I let out a giggle.
Why is he looking at me like that? I can basically hear the cogs turning in his head. "Wait, seriously? You like it?" he smiled, "or are you just being nice?"

I laughed, "I mean it Fuka" oh god, I just called him Fuka...what if he thinks that's weird?
His cheeks went red. Oh dear I'm embarrassing him... "Fuka?" he asks, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Sorry should I not call you that?" I try to sound casual. I laugh awkwardly. "No! It's fine, I actually quite like it..." he laughs. I can feel my hearting beating faster, why do I feel like this? "Okayyyy, Fuka!" I giggle.

The rest of the period went smoothly, though I struggled at first with my drawing of Fukase, I think it's staring to come along!

"...Oli", Fukase says suddenly. "Huh?" I asked. He chuckled and give me a wide smile, "if you can call me Fuka, I get to call you Oli" he explained. It's really warm all of a sudden. "Okie doki, Fuka!" I respond cheerfully and continue my drawing. Why do I feel so happy, to hear him say that?

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now