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Gumi POV:

Two voices were clearly chatting. They were being quite loud for people who were trying to skip class... I was about to turn away to find a different spot until I heard a ripping sound coming from my bag. "Shit!" I hissed under my breath. Stuff began falling out of my school bag. So much for being discrete...

Two boys peered around the corner at me. God this is embarrassing. The red haired boy began giggling, but was elbowed by the smaller, blond boy. "Don't be so rude Fuka!" He told him off. 'Fuka' blushed at the nickname. 

He turned to me and smiled. "Are you alright there?" He asked. I snorted. Clearly I'm not fine! This is mortifying. My belongs littered the rooftop floor. "Don't mind me", I sighed, "I'm just publicly embarrassing myself". I knelt on the floor and began gathering my school stuff.

They both laughed at my comment. That's weird, usually people just blankly stare at me whenever I talk. The boys plopped themselves on the floor and started to help me. "I'm fine you don't have to help me", he frowned, secretly grateful. The red haired boy smirked, as if he saw through my fake irritation. There's no way he could...

"I'm Fukase", he said. Then the small boy grinned, "and I'm Oliver!" He giggled. I gave them a small smile in return, "Gumi", i stated plainly. They nodded. I took a look at the boys in front of me. I noticed the way Oliver was holding onto Fukase's arm...ohhhhh. "Are you two a couple or what?" I asked.

"No!" They said at the same time. Both of their faces were as red as Fukase's hair. I grinned for what felt like the first time in forever. "Whatever you say", I said, raising my eyebrows.
Oliver covered his face with his hands. Fukase cleared his throat, and laughed nervously.

He looked at my bag. "There's no way you're getting your stuff back in that", he commented. "Ugh", I grumbled. Oliver seemed to be pondering something. "We could hold onto your stuff for now", he mumbled, "then get you another bag from the office."

I nodded slowly. "I mean we can't go now", I replied, "we'd get into trouble for skipping". Both of the boys sighed and nodded. "Well just hang out with us until then", Fukase grinned. I thought about it. They've given me no reason not to trust them, plus I have nowhere else to go... "sure", I said, smiling.

I followed them to their wee spot. They seem cool...perhaps I might actually make friends? As if...

A/N: Bad onomatopoeia is a talent of mine. Anyone have any interesting Gumi ships they want to see? Or will she just be a single icon..? -Nell

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