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Third person POV:

Fukase suddenly laughed. Oliver titled his head to the side cutely. "what's so funny?" He asked, genuinely confused. The taller boy chuckled. "I just realised neither of us have a left eye", he explained. Oliver face palmed. "You're such an idiot", he started laughing uncontrollably.

It wasn't even that funny but they couldn't stop themselves from laughing. They began to calm down until Oliver called out, "No left eye club!" Fukase started coughing from wheezing too much, which just made them laugh more.

They continued to chat about miscellaneous topics such as interesting books they'd read or shows they liked. "I'm telling you,"Fukase put his hands in the air, as if he was being accused of something, "Avatar is the best cartoon!" Oliver pretended to huff. "Well I think it's Gravity Falls," he replied. Fukase shook his head, "no way!" Oliver sighed

"HAVE YOU EVEN WATCHED IT?" They screeched at the same time. Laughter ensued. "I haven't seen Gravity Falls", Fukase chuckled. Oliver face palmed, "I haven't seen Avatar either!" He giggled.

"Let's binge them together", Fukase smiled. Oliver grinned back at him, "you bet!" They pinky promised. Oliver giggled again.

They suddenly heard a sound from round the corner, they went dead silent. Have they been too loud?There's someone there...

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now