III-First day

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Cul stopped the car in front of a grey building that almost resembled a prison. 'This is it', Cul stated. At a closer look it wasn't that bad, since it had lots of windows. 'Well come on then' Teto called, as she and Cul got out the car. I followed behind them cautiously through the front door which lead to the main hall.

Teto left us to go to the student council meeting, which left me and Cul alone. 'Follow me', Cul motioned towards the  office. I walked with her to the desk.

'My cousin needs his time table', Cul uttered. The women behind the desk looked me up and down. 'Name?' she asked, while her eyes bore into me. 'Satoshi Fukase', I said, making sure I was clear so that I could escape this uncomfortable situation.

She grunted then handed me my timetable, muttering to herself, something about 'freaky looking kids these days'. I pretended not to hear her comment and turned to face Cul. Just as I was about to speak the bell rang. 'Well good luck', Cul said, giving me a thumbs up. Then she just turned and went off.

'Wait!' I called after her, but she was already gone in the crowd of pupils. Oh gods I'm going to have to find this class on my own? What do I even have first?...I've got English.

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