I-Home sweet home?

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Fukase's POV

So this is it? I guess I'm finally here...my new home.
I opened the car door and stepped out slowly, taking in my new surroundings. The building looked plain, but somewhat comforting for a block of flats.

"It's not much, but it's home",  my cousin Teto chuckled.
"Thanks again, for taking me in", I replied awkwardly. Teto smirked. "Of course dummy...Well come along then!" She said teasingly. She locked the car after I got my bag, then beckoned me to follow her.
"It's just this way", she stated as we started heading towards  the building.
I didn't have a lot of luggage to carry, since I don't own much so the journey wasn't too tiring. I followed her along the decorated corridor until she stopped at a red door, that had a sign with the number 13 on it.
"13...just my luck", I smirked. Teto chuckled, then unlocked the door. "Ladies first", she teased.

I opened the door and looked around at the room. It was a homely living room that wasn't separated from the kitchen, which seems pretty handy if you get lots of guests. Though I reckon Teto doesn't get many guests considering the amount of dirty dishes in the sink. Not that I can judge people for tidiness.

Teto must have noticed what I was looking at and distracted me.
"Your room is just down at the end of the hall, so you can unpack all your stuff", she said as she motioned at my bag. I just nodded and walked down the little hallway as I passed rooms that were labelled 'Cul' and 'Teto!'

I got to the last door. This must be the one
I smiled. I have my very own room.
I opened the door and stepped in. The room was small but I already loved it. The window looked out onto the woods behind the building, which gave my room a comfortable vibe. I unpacked my few things into the wardrobe then sat onto my new bed. I have a feeling this isn't going to be too bad.

A/N: I'm new to writing so sorry if I make any stupid mistakes! If you have any suggestions I'll happily listen, or change bad spelling aha. -Nell

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